www.rcub.ac.in Rani Channamma University : M.A English Language Teaching Model Question Paper

University : Rani Channamma University
Degree : M.A
Department : English
Semester : IV
Subject : English Language Teaching
Document Type : Question Paper Pattern
Website : rcub.ac.in

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RCUB English Language Teaching Model Question Paper

IV Semester M.A. Degree Examination, June 2013
ENGLISH (RCU Syllabus)
Paper – 4.2 :
Duration: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note :
Attempt all questions

Related : Rani Channamma University Phonetics of English M.A Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6705.html


Q. I. Read the passage given below and prepare the following exercises for use at the pre-degree level.
1. Frame six comprehension questions.
2. Choose two grammar items from the passage and frame exercises to practice them.
3. Choose any two of the underlined words and frame exercises to practice their use.

Only a girl :
“It’s a boy!” – magical words that give happiness to the entire family, to the mother-in-law, and to the mother who gave birth to the baby-boy.
“It’s only a girl.” – words of dejection and disappointment that makes the entire family unhappy.

That’s our mind-set. We do not celebrate girls!
Even in our mythology, only the birth of boys is mentioned. Parvati gave birth to two sons. Sita had her twins; Kunti and Madri produced the Pandavas and Karna; even goddesses never gave birth to daughters! Where have all the daughters gone?

In our society, women who do not produce male children are considered incomplete, inadequate, unlucky and even cursed. A male offspring is a must. Conventional reasons are often cited for the boy-child fixation, like continuing the family name and tradition, carrying on the family business, inheriting property, supporting parents in their old age, performing the last rites, etc., whether they are relevant or not in our present day situation.

The absence of a son is more keenly felt in rural areas because of such conventions as only the male-child can represent the family at temples, religious ceremonies, and other important social gatherings.

Deep-rooted prejudices reinforce our attitudes towards girls. Even now, most Hindus believe that only the male can light the funeral pyre and guide the departing soul to heaven. It is also said that even a king will become a pauper if he has five daughters! Staying with their daughter after her marriage is considered to be below the dignity of parents. That’s our mind-set.

The situation may be changing but the change is very slow. The issue of sons or daughters continues to be important in our social structure formulated by men for their own advantage. That is irrespective of socio-economic status or caste or religion, the reaction to the arrival of a girl-child is : “It’s only a girl” or “Oh! Another Girl”, if the earlier one too was a girl


Q. II. Write short notes on any six of the following :
1. Wood’s Despatch
2. The changing status of English in India
3. The Curriculum of English
4. Grammar Translation Method
5. Remedial Teaching
6. Language Games
7. Basic English
8. Lesson Planning


Q. III. Answer any three of the following :
1. Describe some of the problems of teaching English in Indian college classrooms. Discuss the problems of teaching English under the following heads :
Problems that can be solved (i) by the teacher (ii) by the college administration, (iii) by the University Board of Studies and (iv) problems that will always be there, and according to you, cannot be solved by anyone.

2. Trace the history of language teaching.
3. Discuss with illustration the characteristic features of language exercises.
4. What are the arguments given in favour of and against teaching formal grammar? What, according to you, are the best approach to and the procedure for teaching grammar and composition in colleges?
5. Write an essay on the teaching of prose at the UG level..
6. Discuss the various issues involved in testing and evaluation.

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Tags: rcub.ac.in

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