www.rcub.ac.in Rani Channamma University : Phonetics of English M.A Model Question Paper

University : Rani Channamma University
Degree : M.A
Department : English
Semester : II
Subject : Phonetics of English
Document Type : Question Paper Pattern
Website : rcub.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6705-2.2__Phonetics_Model_paper.docx

RCUB Phonetics of English Model Question Paper

II Semester M.A. Degree Examination, June 2013
ENGLISH (RCU Syllabus)
Paper – 2.2 :
Duration: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note :
Attempt all questions

Related : Rani Channamma University Basic Course in English Literature M.A Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6702.html


I. Answer the following questions in a sentence/ phrase or a word.

I. Answer the following questions in a sentence/ phrase or a word.
1. How many different sounds does the letter u have in these words : unable, use, urge, us
2. Specify the number of (a) letters and (b) sounds in the following words : excellent, libraries

3. Point out the odd word in each of the following sets on the basis of the vowel sounds used :
a. bought, taught, fought, house
b. fool, tool, school, tour

4. Enlist the nasal sounds in English.
5. Which are the weak forms of the word and?
6. Enlist the criteria for the description of consonants.
7. Give three-term description of the initial sound in the word hat.
8. What is the stricture used to articulate Lateral sound?
9. Name the two occasions where the falling tone is generally used.
10. Mark Yes or No and give at least two examples to support your answer : “In compound words when the two parts together do not make up the meaning, the accent is on the first syllable.” (2X10 = 20 Marks)


Q. No. II. Write short notes on any six of the following :
1. The speech organs
2. Voiced and Voiceless sounds
3. Nasal Sounds in English
4. The Central Vowels in English
5. Word stress in English
6. Tonic Syllable and Tone Group
7. Falling tone
8. The intelligibility of Indian English (6X5 = 30 Marks)


Q. No. III. 1. Transcribe the following words and mark stress wherever necessary:
Admit, baggage, themselves, circle, affirm, photography, curious, appear, perfect, exhaust (10 Marks)

2. Transcribe the following sentences using appropriate weak forms wherever necessary and mark the accentual pattern :
a) There are two birds in the tree.
b) The girl will play and the boy will watch.
c) Has he finished working?
d) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
e) Turn to the right at the end of the street. (10 Marks)

3. .Write an essay on the consonant clusters in English
Discuss the diphthongs in English (10 Marks)

Basic Course in English Literature

(OEC) :
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Instruction : Attempt all questions
Q. I. Answer the following questions in a word or a phrase or a sentence :
1. Explain theirony in the first line of the poem “Telephone Conversation” (“The price seemed reasonable, location / Indifferent”) in a sentence.
2. What does the expression ‘Advertising only for a better choice.’ Mean in the poem ‘Matrimonials’?
3. Which poetic device is extensively used in the poem ‘Writing a Curriculum Vitae’? (Simile / Alliteration / Contrast)
4. How do, according to the narrator of the poem ‘Bankers are Just Like Anybody Else’, most bankers get to dwell in marble halls?
5. What is wrong with the expression ‘Just now only I will do it’ in the poem ‘Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T. S.’?
6. Why did the artist in the story ‘Face of Judas’ fear that his masterpiece would remain unfinished?
7. What, according to Shaw, would his wife think if he were to speak to her as carefully as a public speaker speaking to a large audience?
8. What are the possible meanings of the sentence ‘We only can guess’.
9. What according to Orwell is the best way to get rid of fabricated phrases?
10. What, according to Narayan, is common between Bharat English and the Madras handloom check shirt?

Categories: English
Tags: rcub.ac.in
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