scert.kerala.gov.in : Class XI History Question Paper Model State Council of Educational Research & Training

Board :State Council of Educational Research & Training
Exam : HSE History
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : scert.kerala.gov.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6659-history.pdf

History Sample Question Paper -I :

Higher Secondary Education
Maximum : 80 Score
Time: 2½ hrs
Cool off time : 15 mts

Related : State Council of Educational Research & Training Class XI Gandhian Studies Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6658.html

General Instructions to candidates:
** There is ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2.30 hrs.
** You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
** Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.

** Read the questions carefully before answering
** All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
** When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.

** Maps, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
** Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
** Give equations wherever necessary
** Only nonprogrammable calculators are allowed in the Examination Hall.

1. Distinguish between the Replacement and Regional continuity models of human origin. (2)
2. The precursors of modern human beings and their particular features are given in the following table. Appropriately arrange them. (4)
Primates – Bipedal locomotion
Hominoids – Heavier jaws than Hominids
Hominids – Emerged in 36 million years ago
Australopithecus – Smaller brain than Hominids

3. ‘The location of the town of Mari was favourable to its prosperity’ – Substantiate the statement. ( 3)
4. ‘The people of Mesopotamia were indebted to the system of writing for their achievements in the field of science’. Do you agree with this argument? Why? Elucidate. ( 5)

5. Evaluate the social life of the people in the Roman empire. (4)
6. The third century A.D marked the end of peace and the beginning of a crisis in the history of Rome’. Do you consider the events in Rome during the third century AD as a crisis? Why? Explain. (4)
7. ‘The Abbasid revolution was not only a change of dynasty but the changes in the political structure and culture of Islam’. Substantiate the statement. ( 4)

8. Feudalism was a system that divided the society in to three orders? Which are they? Analyse its features.
The chief contributions of Islam were in the field of learning and culture. Analyse the cultural contributions of Islam on the basis of the above statement. (8)

9. Examine the importance of Yasa in the life of the Mongols. (2)

10. Arrange the following events in chronological order.
** Rule of Charlemagne
** Monastery of St. Benedict in Italy
** Rule of Charlse I without parliament.
** Black death in Europe. (4)

11. The military career of Genghiskhan was an unimaginable one. Analyse the war fare of Genghiskhan on the basis of this statement. ( 4)

12. “Industrial Revolution helped a few in society to multiply their money at the same time it made the life of workers, women and children miserable’. In the light of this statement analyse the conditions of workers, women and children in England in the age of Industrial Revolution. How far the protest movements helped to improve their material conditions?
Evaluate the salient features of indegeneous civilizations in America. (8)

13. ‘Arab contributions to Renaissance philosophy and science are valuable’. Examine the validity of this statement.
14. Copernicus’ views on universe uprooted all the old notions about the universe. In the light of this statement examine the significance of Copernicus theory. (4)

15. Find out the relationship of item ‘a’ and fill in the blanks of item ‘b’ accordingly. (4)
a. Flying shuttle : John Kay
b. Spinning jenny : ……………………..
a. Water frame : RichardArkwright
b. Mule : ………………………
a. Thomas Savery : Steam Engine
b. ………………….. : Powerloom
a. James Brindely : Worsely Canal
b. …………………. : Locomotive

16. Examine the view that slavery was the root cause of the Civil War in America. (3)
17. ‘The discovery of gold deposits promoted the growth of industries and railways in America’. Examine the validity of this statement. (2)

18. According to French Philosopher Rousseau, the natives of America were to be admired as they were untouched by the corruption of ‘civilization’. In the light of this statement examine the native’s view about the goods exchanged, forests and cultivating fields. (3)
19. Complete the timeline with appropriate events and years. (4)

20. Mark the following places/areas in the outline map of the world. (4)
** Area of Aztec Civilization
** Area of Inca Civilization
** The country which occupied Brazil
** The continent from where the slaves were brought to America.

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