cbse.nic.in : AISSCE Psychology Question Paper Central Board Of Secondary Education

Board : Central Board Of Secondary Education
Exam :AISSCE Psychology
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : cbse.nic.in

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Psychology Sample Question Paper :

Class : XII
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

Related : Central Board Of Secondary Education AISSE Communicative English Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6631.html

(iii) Answers should be brief and to the point.
(iv) PART- A has 10 Learning Checks carrying one mark each.
(v) Questions 11 to 16 in PART- B are Very Short Answer type questions carrying 2 marks each.
PART – A :
1. Match the TWO lists and choose the correct match from the given options :
1. One factor theory A. Thurstone
2. Two factor theory B. Binet
3. Structure of Intellect Model C. Spearman
4. Theory of Primary Mental Abilities D. Guilford
2. A person’s resolution of problems at any stage of development
3. A counselor is trying to understand the feelings of another person
(a) Sympathy (b) Empathy (c) Unconditional positive regard (d) Paraphrasing (1)
4. The craze for thinness valued by models and actors is termed as ________.
(a) Anorexia nervosa (b) Bulimia. (1)
5. The term used to describe the level of stress that is good for human beings is
(a) Strain (b) Eustress (c) distress (d) Arousal (1)
6. ‘Changing our behavior can change how we think and feel’. Give an example. (1)
7. Identify the correct sequence of the stages of group formation. (1)
(a) Performing, norming, storming & forming.
(b) Forming, storming, norming & performing.
(c) Norming, storming, forming & performing.
(d) Storming, norming, performing & forming.
8. Name any ONE human influence on environment. (1)
9. What do you suggest should be the age of the President of India?
(a) Closed ended question (b) Open ended question (c) Mirror question
10. Ritu’s son works in a call centre. In spite of knowing his odd hours of returning,

PART – B :
11. Elucidate any TWO characteristics of emotionally intelligent individual.(2)
12. Mention TWO tips to improve listening skills. (2)
13. State any TWO techniques of self regulation. (2)
14. How does counseling process get initiated? Mention the first two steps.(2)
15. ‘Extreme cohesiveness within a group becomes harmful for its functioning’. Explain. (2)
16. What are the effects of noise on human behaviour? (2)

PART – C :
17. Critically evaluate the method of behavioural rating for assessing personality. (3)
18 A person shows break-up in relationships, increased body weight, poor performance
State the factors predisposing this disorder. (3)
19 Give the meaning of attribution.
Explain fundamental attribution error with the help of an example. (3)
20. What is aggression? Describe any TWO causes. (3)

** To develop appreciation about human mind and behaviour in the context of learners’ immediate society and environment.
** To develop in learners an appreciation of the nature of psychological knowledge and its application to various aspects of life.
** To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware and self-reflective.
** To facilitate students’ quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to enable them to become responsive and responsible citizens.

Unit I: What is psychology** 16 Periods
1. Introduction
2. What is Psychology?
a) Psychology as a Discipline
b) Psychology as a Natural Science
c) Psychology as a Social Science
3. Understanding Mind and Behaviour
4. Popular Notions about the Discipline of Psychology
5. Evolution of Psychology
6. Development of Psychology in India
7. Branches of Psychology
8. Themes of Research and Applications
9. Psychology and Other Disciplines
10. Psychologists at Work
11. Psychology in Everyday Life

Unit II: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology 20 Periods
The topics in this unit are:
1. Introduction
2. Goals of Psychological Enquiry
a) Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
b) Alternative Paradigms of Research
3. Nature of Psychological Data
4. Some Important Methods in Psychology
a) Observational Method
b) Experimental Method
c) Correlational Research
d) Survey Research
e) Psychological Testing
f) Case Study
5. Analysis of Data
a. Quantitative Method
b. Qualitative Method
6. Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
7. Ethical Issues

Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour 20 Periods
The topics in this unit are:
1. Introduction
2. Evolutionary Perspective
3. Biological and Cultural Roots
4. Biological Basis of Behaviour
a) Neurons
5. Structure and Functions of Nervous System and Endocrine System and their Relationship
with Behaviour and Experience
a) The Nervous System
b) The Endocrine System
6. Heredity: Genes and Behaviour
7. Cultural Basis : Socio-Cultural Shaping of Behaviour
a) Concept of Culture
8. Enculturation
9. Socialisation
10. Acculturation

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