Sales Management PGDMM Question Paper : unipune.ac.in

University : University Of Pune
Degree : PGDMM(Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management)
Semester : I
Subject :Sales Management
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : unipune.ac.in

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Sales Management Question Paper :

P. G. D. M. M. (Semester – I) Examination – 2012
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.

Related : University Of Pune Basics Of Marketing PGDMM Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6607.html

Q.1) Define the term ‘Sales Management’. Also explain functions of Sales Management in detail, quoting suitable examples.
Q.2) Discuss various activities involved in ‘Soles Force Management’.
Q.3) Illustrate need for ‘Sales Organisation’ Also explain various types of ‘Sales Organisation Structures’.
Q.4) Explain in detail functions and qualities of an ‘Effective Sales Executive’.
Q.5) What is ‘Sales Forecasting ? Explain its importance. Also explain various methods of ‘Sales Forecasting’.
Q.6) “Success of Sales Department largely depends on the Motivation Level Elaborate this statement and also suggest Motivative Techniques for FMCG Product Sales Person

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Sales Presentation
(b) Value Added Selling
(c) Sales Budget
(d) Prospecting

P. G. D. M. M. (Semester – II) Examination – 2010
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1) What is the Position of Sales Management and Personal Selling in the entire Marketing Mix ? Explain.
Q.2) Write advantages and disadvantages of Geographic, Product based and Customer based Sales Organisation. Show diagrams of all three types of Sales Organisation.
Q.3) What is the importance of Proper Selection and Recruitment of Sales People what are the various Sources of Recruitment ?

Q.4) “Success of Sales Activity is largely dependent upon good Salesmen but they are not born as good Salesman.” Discuss in the context of Sales Training.
Q.5) What is Sales Planning and what are the steps involved in Sales Planning ?
Q.6) Why establish Sales Territories ? What are the steps in determining Sales Territories for a Firm ?
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Sales Force Motivation
(b) Sales Force Compensation
(c) Sales Contests
(d) Sales Control

P.G.D.M.M. (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain how Sales Management becomes an integral Part of Marketing Management and why it occupies an important role in success of an organisation ?
2. What is Sales forecasting and what are various methods of Sales forecasting ?
3. Why companies form a suitable organisation for sales of their Products ? How the Sales Organisation are different for Industrial Products and Consumer products?
4. “Companies give more importance for training of Sales Force”. Elaborate the
5. “Compensating Sales Persons is different from employees of other departments Explain the reasons as per statement and also write various methods of Compensation.
6. Write Sales Process and explain the various steps involved in the Process.

7. Write short notes on any two :
1) Sales force evaluation and Control
2) Sales Contests
3) Selling of Financial Services
4) Qualities of Salesman.

101 : Basics Of Marketing – (2008 Pattern) :
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Define Marketing. How it differs from selling ?
b) Explain Holistic Marketing Orientation.
2. Discuss various “Macro-Environmental” factors to be considered while analyzing marketing environment.
3. What is “Target Marketing” ? State various strategies used for targeting the market.
4. Explain in detail the process of “Marketing Planning”.
5. State the need for Marketing Organizations. Discuss Functional and Geographic Organizations with examples.
6. Why marketing controls are necessary ? Discuss process of setting marketing controls and also various types of controlling techniques.

7. Write short notes (any 2) :
a) Consumer satisfaction V/s Consumer Delight.
b) Niche Marketing.
c) Buyer decision making process.

102 : Sales Management – 2013 :
2008 Pattern :
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Note :
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. ‘Effective Management of sales force is the key to success of any organisation’. Analyse the statement.
2. Discuss the following types of sales organisation :
a) Product based sales organisation
b) Geographical sales organisation

3. ‘Success of sales forecasting depends on judicial mix of quantitative and qualitative methods of forecasting’. Analyse the statement.
4. ‘Personal selling has become a very effective technique to promote and achieve sales target but its success depends on sales force motivation.
5. You have been appointed as a consultant to recruit sales force for an Multinational Mobile Service Provider’. Suggest suitable recruitment plan.
6. Elaborate on ‘ACMEE’ as applicable to Sales Training Programme.

7. Write short notes on (any two) :
a) Selling of vacuum cleaner
b) Sales control
c) Use of Technology in sales
d) Career in Sales Management.

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