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College : St Anthony’s College
Exam : B.A Economics Entrance Test
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Anthonys Economics Model Question Paper

Day & DATE : Tuesday, 22nd MAY, 2012
TIME : 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Related / Similar Question Paper : St Anthony’s College B.A English Entrance Test Question Bank


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Sample Questions

1. Put a tick mark [?] against each correct answer within the brackets provided. 1*12=12
i. Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize for Economics in the year
a. 1998 [ ]
b. 1999 [ ]
c. 1997 [ ]

ii. The Price Effect is
a. Income + Substitution Effect [ ]
b. Income –Substitution Effect [ ]
c. Income + Consumption Effect [ ]

iii. Marginal cost curves cuts the average cost curve
a. at the left of its lowest point [ ]
b. at its lowest point [ ]
c. at the right of its lowest point [ ]

iv. In India which sector contributes the largest share to the National Income?
a. Primary Sector [ ]
b. Tertiary Sector [ ]
c. Secondary Sector [ ]

v. All of the following curves are U-shaped, except
a. AVC curve [ ]
b. AFC curve [ ]
c. AC curve [ ]

vi The book, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” was written by
a. J M Keynes [ ]
b. A Smith [ ]
c. J S Mills [ ]

vii. Which of the following has the lowest elasticity of demand?
a. car [ ]
b. salt [ ]
c. tea [ ]

viii. NABARD came into existence in
a. june 1982 [ ]
b. july 1982 [ ]
c. june 1981 [ ]

ix. The necessary condition for a firm’s equilibrium is
a. AC=AR [ ]
b. MC=MR [ ]
c. AC<AR [ ]

x. The first Industrial Policy was announced in the year
a. 1948 [ ]
b. 1950 [ ]
c. 1956 [ ]

xi. . “A Treatise on money” was written by
a. J.M. Keynes [ ]
b. A. Marshall [ ]
c. A. Smith [ ]
d. L. Robbins [ ]

xii. The concept of Elasticity of Demand was evolved by
a. Alfred Marshall [ ]
b. Adam Smith [ ]
c. David Ricardo [ ]

2. Fill in the Blanks : 1*8=8
a. ___________ is the wage expressed in terms of money.
b. The Long run average cost curve is also called ________________
c. ___________ is a loan taken by the government from its own people as well as from foreign countries.
d. __________ is the most liquid asset.
e. Infrastructure is also sometimes called social overhead________________
f. The full form of NABARD is__________________________________
g. Under monopoly the product is _________________
h. _____________________ is unfavourable when exports are less than imports.

3. Answer the following questions briefly : 10*3=30
i. Distinguish between Public and Private finance.
ii. Is India a developing economy? Give reasons for your answer.
iii. Explain the composition and direction of India’s Foreign Trade.

Answer all the questions : (5*10=50)
1. Solve the simultaneous equations :

2. If x: y =2:3, find the value of 3x+2y:2x+5y
3. Given; P= {x: 5<2x-1= 11; x € R} Q={x: -1 = 3+4x <23, x € I} where R= (Real Number) and I= (Integers) Represent P and Q on two different number lines. Write down the elements of P nQ
4. Solve: x /(x-1) + (x-1)/x = 2 ½
5. What are sets? Explain the concept of set operations by citing examples using Venn diagrams.

6. Draw the graph of the following table.
x -2 0 2 1 -4
y -3 1 5 3 -7

7. What are the different measures of Central tendency?
8. Draw the cumulative frequency curve (ogive) for the following distribution.
Marks 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30
No. of students 7 9 12 8 6

9. The frequency distribution of marks obtained by students in a class test is given below:
Marks No of students
0-5 2
5-10 15
10-15 18
15-20 12
20-25 4
Draw a histogram and a frequency polygon to represent the frequency distribution of the marks.

Add a Comment
  1. Their is no any Mathematics in Economic textbook.

  2. Minimum marks in passing entrance exam in economics.

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