Architecture Acoustics B.Arch Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Architecture
Degree : B.Arch
Subject Name : Architecture Acoustics
Sem : II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/6599-ARCHITECTURE%20ACOUSTICS_Seme2_2006.pdf

Jadavpur University Architecture Acoustics Question Paper

B. Architecture Part I Examination, 2006 :
2nd Semester  :
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
Answer any five questions. :

Related / Similar Question Paper : Jadavpur University B.Arch Professional Practice – II Question Paper

All questions carry equal marks :
1. Considering a source of sound in a live room, explain and deduce the expression for growth of intensity of sound in a live room. Find the value of intensity after the lapse of long time interval. 20

2. a) What are the basic criteria to be considered to design a general purpose auditorium ?
b) Give a short outline how to design the ceiling and sitting arrangement in an auditorium.
c) Discuss with the help of a sketch that, balcony is an integral part of the auditorium. 4+8+8

3. a) Discuss the different criteria for a music room.
b) Narrate the requirements for performers and listeners in a music room. 10+10

4. Define the criteria for selection of a suitable place for a school building and give a sketch for selection of places for class rooms, play ground and auditorium, music room and justify your views. 20

5. a) Narrate the specific criteria for sound picture theatre and how does it vary from legitimate theatre.
b) Design an OAT (open-air theatre) to accomodate about 1000 listeners. Discuss the measures taken for sitting arrangement. 10+10

6. a) Discuss the criteria for a Recording Studio.
b) How does the Television studio differ from Recording studio ? What are the different arrangement and treatment you would carry for Television studios. 10+10

7. a) Define reverberation time. How will you choose the reverberation time in small and big auditorium.
b) Describe briefly how will you determine the reverberation time for a speech room.
c) How does the reverberation time varies with frequency, and what is the precautionary measure one must adopt to get uniform response. 6+6+8

Climate & Architecture Question Paper

First Arch Part–II Examination, 2007 :
2nd Semester :
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
(50 marks for each part
Use a separate Answer-Script for each part.


Answer any two questions. :
1. a) What are the environmental parameters on which human thermal comfort depends ? Elaborate each factor. 10
b) What do you understand by “Tropical Summer Index” as laid down in the National Building Code of India 2005. Find the values of TSI for different environmental conditions as given below

Globe temp.(°C) Wet bulb temp.(°C) Wind speed (m/s) :
i) 32 30 1
ii) 25 22 1
iii) 40 35 2

2. a) Draw an approximate Sun-Path diagram for latitude 30° N resampling a polar projected Sun-Path diagram. 10

b) A building block of height 3 m and size 6 m × 10 m is oriented North-South (longer side). On top of the block at the North-Eastern corner then is another square block of size 3 m × 3 m having height 2 m from top of the first block. Sun rays are falling on the blocks having azimith 30° South of West and altitude 45°. You arerequired to draw the shadow of the blocks on the roof of 1st block and also on the ground. 15

3. Write a note on the ‘design guidelines for natural ventilation” as depicted in the “National Building Code of India, 2005” by wind action (only first 10 points). Explain the points with the help of sketches. 2.5×10=25


Answer Question No. 4 and any one from the rest. :
4. Discuss in brief all the meteorological elements which affects the shelter conditions of a living being. 20

5. Name two species from nature where you can find all precautionary measures have been taken by them to protect themselves from varying climatic conditions. Describe the shelters of the two species with detailed sketches with proper dimension. 30

6. With reference to your own house, try to explain how can you improve the indoor living environment redesigning the various architectural elements of the existing one considering all the environmental parameters with necessary drawings. (plans and sections) 30

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