Principles Of Urban & Rural Planning B.Arch Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Architecture
Degree : B.Arch
Subject Name : Principles Of Urban And Rural Planning
Year/SemSem : V/I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/6590-Principles%20of%20Urban%20and%20Rural%20Planning.pdf

Principles Of Urban And Rural Planning Question Paper :

Bachelor Of Architecture Examination, 2014 :
5th Year, 1st Semester :
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100

Related : Jadavpur University Theory of Architecture–I B.Arch Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6585.html

Question no. 1 is compulsory and answer any 5 from the remaining questions.
I. i) Fill in the blanks (any 10) 1051=10
a) The basic unit of urban area is .
b) UDPFI stands for .
c) For Residential landuse category for metrocities the percentage ranges from .
d) The Radburn concept proposed the idea of .
e) The Roman towns which were conquered from others were called .
f) The main motto of ‘‘city Beautiful movement’’ was .
g) The ‘‘culture of cities’’ was written by .
h) ASCORAL stands for .
i) The 5 elements of human settlement as proposed by Doxiadus in Ekisties were .
j) The primary residential zone is shown in colour.
k) The sewerage is estimated at the rate of % age of the water supply in any area.

ii) Define the terms : (any 5) 552=10
a) ECS
b) C.I.A.M.
d) Perspective plan
e) Woonerf

iii) Define a Census Town. 5

2. Differentiate between (any 3) 553=15
i) Net Density and Gross Density
ii) Greek towns and Roman towns.
iii) Garden city and Satellite towns.
iv) Use zoning and Spot zoning
v) Arterial Road and sub-Arterial road.
vi) Social Infrastructure & physical infrastructure.

3. The population of Silchar Municipal Area is shown as below :
1961 – 41062
1971 – 52596
1981 – 77936
1991 – 115483
Calculate the projected population for the year 2011 by the following methods.
i) By Incremental Increase
ii) By Geometrical Increase
iii) By Arithmetic Increase. 15

4. Define the term Neighbourhood and the conceptual models as proposed by Clarence Stein, Perry and Engel Hardt. 15
5. Briefly explain the models or concepts as proped by Tony Garmeir, Frank Lyoyd Wright, Soria Y. Mata, Luduing Hilberseimer and Le Corbusier for future cities. 15
6. The Design principles of Vidhydhar Nagar were borrowed from the city of Jaypur – Elaborate with sketches. 15

7. Draw the plans of the following cities (any 5) 553=15
i) Versailles
ii) Chandigarh
iii) City of Ur-Babylon
iv) Ideal city by Vitruvius
v) Auroville city
vi) Carcasonne and Noerdlinger
vii) Farming Unit.

8. Elaborate the various rural development schemes by the central Govt. for various sectors like Housing, Poverty alleviation, Roads, Slums etc. 15

Principles Of Urban And Rural Planning :
Definition and scope: definition of town in India, classification of towns according to population (Indian census), Criteria of urban settlement in ancient time. Towns according to forks, Indian (Manasara, Gridiron, Radisi, Linear, Ribbon Development, Growth and development of Towns (Urban Settlements)

Ancient: Egyptian, Indus, and West Asiatic.
Classic: Greek Roman.

Mediaeval: Renaissance, Pre-industrial. Town planning concept since industrial revolution :Impact of Industrial revolution on planning. Planning concepts by utopians: Cadbury, Lever brothers, etc. Patric Geddes Sir Ebenezer Howard and Garden City concept, Lecthworth, Wylwin Town planning laws.

Survey :
Zoning, Master Plan, Roads and Communication, Recreational areas, open spaces, Residential areas, Neighborhood unit, etc.

New Towns, Harlows, Stevenage, Chandigarh, Brasilia, Contemporary Planning The background of rural planning and development socially, economically and physically.
Review of rural development in India generally, Rural planning in West Bengal.
Importance of Community Development concept on rural planning and development in post-Independence period.

Rural services & infrastructure, Sanitation, Water supply. Conservation, development energy planning and environmental protection, rural industry.
Administration Case studies

Evolution Of Architecture-I :
a) Definition of Architecture and architect. The origin of architecture and its development as a profession. Practice of the subject in the contemporary period. General pieces of service as provided by an architect. Relationship of the subject with various other interdisciplinary subjects. Relationship of the profession with the other related professions. Architectural education scope and objects.

b) Influences governing the development of architecture. General physical, emotional and intellectual; Natural climate, topography, vegetation, available materials; Man  social, culture and religious attitudes; Technological intellectual advancement, Progress in science& technology, construction, materials etc.

c) Development of Architecture from caves and huts of prehistoric era. Principles of layout of Vedic villages to mounds, mausoleums, stupas and such structures as were developed in the Indus Valley, Egyptian, Mesopotamian and South-east Asian regions. Renovated natural caves of the Buddhist period as methods of obtaining large internal spaces. Examples are to be presented as expressive forms of attitudes towards greatness, fear, pride, possession, protection, seclusion etc.

d) The Earliest Remains of Indian Architecture
** The Earliest Temples of India,
** Early and Later Dravidian Temples,
** The Temples of Orissa,
** Islamic Architecture in India,
** Influence of Western Architecture in Indian Architecture

Categories: Architecture
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