Engineering Economics & Bookkeeping B.E Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Construction Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Name : Engineering Economics & Bookkeeping
Year/Sem : IV/I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/6563-Engineering%20Economics%20and%20Bookkeeping.pdf

Engineering Economics & Bookkeeping Question Paper :

Bachelor Of Construction Engg. Examination, 2009 :
(4th year, 2nd Semester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
(50 marks for each part)

Related :  Jadavpur University Highrise & Industrial Structures B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6560.html

Use separate answer script for each part. :
PART – I :
Answer Q no 1. and any two from the rest. Answer questions serially with parts of the same questions together assume any data suitably if found missing.

1. (a) Distinguish between : (any three) 3×3=9
(i) Trade Discount & Cash Discount.
(ii) Cash & Bank Transactions.
(iii) Cash & Credit Purchase.
(iv) Trade Creditors & Loan Creditors.
(b) Annotate : (any three) 3×3=9
(i) Petty cash
(ii) Solvency
(iii) Working Capital
(iv) Bank Overdraft.

2. Post the following transactions in a Petty Cash Book –
March 1 : Received Rs. 3,000/- cash from cashier charge.
March 4 : Spent for postages, glue & envelopes Rs. 230/-.
March 5 : Purchased Stationary of Rs. 200/-
March 8 : Paid cleaner & tea maker wages of Rs. 510/-.
March 10 : Refreshments to office visitors of Rs. 300/-
March 14 : Sealing wax, stapler pin charges. of Rs. 30/-
March 18 : Bus fares for messengers Rs. 80/-
March 20 : Office toilet & floor clearing wages & detergent purchase. Rs. 120/-
March 22 : Pay Electric Bill of Rs. 1100/-
March 25 : Pay water & Municipal taxes Rs. 400/-
March 28 : Pay M/s Gobor Patnaik caterers for supply of lunch packets of Rs. 510/-
March 31 : Purchase pen & Paper of Rs. 400/-.
Balance the cash book & comment what amount you can receive from the cashier in charge under the impriest system. 16

3. M/s Orissa Financial Corpn., Bhubaneswar started business with Rs. 10,00,000 in bank on April 1, 2009. The following transaction took place during the month.
April 1 : Bought Office furniture by cheque of Rs. 1,00,000
April 3 : Advanced loan to M/s Gobar Kumar Patnaik, Jajpur of Rs. 2,50,000/- by cheque & paid advance rent of 2,000/- by cheque.
April 5 : Cash sales of Rs. 40,000/- & credit sale of Rs. 30,000 & Rs. 20,000/- paid to bank.
April 7 : Paid Rs. 200/- wages to cleaning labouers.
April 9 : Paid staff salary of Rs. 60,000/- & purchased goods on Credit of Rs.1,00,000/- purchased goods on credit of Rs. 1,00,000/-
April 12 : Credit sales of Rs. 60,000/- & Payment to Bank of Rs.10,000/-
April 16 : Bought goods on credit of Rs. 90,000/- from S.K. Parida, Semiliguda.
April 20 : From cheque for M.P. o Rs. 20,000/-
April 24 : Bought fax, laptops worth Rs. 80,000/-
April 26 : Paid wages for substaffs of Rs, 52,000/-
April 27 : Collected interest on loan of Rs. 1,27,000/- from various sources.
April 28 : Paid Rs. 80,000/- collected as interest payment to bank.
April 30 : Paid all cash bank except Rs. 2000/- cash in hand. 16
Enter all the ledger entries, prepare a Trial balance, Trading & Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet as at April 30, 2009. The closing stock was valued at Rs. 1,80,000/-

4. M/s Banku Behari Tiwary started business on June 01 with Rs. 1,00,000/- in bank & Rs. 10,000/- in hand. He owed Rs. 30,000/- to tractors India Ltd for the agricultural mechanics & spare supplied upto 31st May. Prepare his cash book, open the necessary ledger accounts & take out a Trial Balance on 30th June.
June 2 : Paid Rs. 1,000/- by cheque as rent.
June 4 : Cash sales of Rs. 20,000/-
June 5 : Drew Rs. 500/- cash for self.
June 7 : Paid Rs. , 7,000 to bank & sent an A/c payee cheque to M/s Tractors India Ltd. of Rs. 10,000/-
June 10 : Bought a second hand vehicle for Rs. 1,00,000/ – & paid by cheque.
June 14 : Paid on advertising account Rs., 5,000/-
June 18 : Bought office furniture of Rs. 20,000/- by cash
June 24 : Bought goods of Rs. 20,000/- from M/s B. K.Satepethy and gave his cheque of Rs. 14,000/- & a post dated cheque of Rs. 6,000/- pay due on
June 30.
June 28 : Arranged over draft for payment of M/s
June 30 : Paid all surplus cash (except Rs. 10,000/-) toGreat Syndicate Bank. 16

Answer any three questions. All questions carry equal marks.
5. What is a demand function ? Explain the Law of Demand. 6. Distinguish between (own) price elasticity of demand (ep), income elasticity of demand (eM) and cross elasticity of demand (exy). Show that ep is different at different points of the same linear demand curve.
7. Explain how a firm, under AB perfect competition, attains its equilibrium in the long-run.
8. Answer any three
(a) Distinguish between Inferior goods and Giffen goods.
(b) What is the shape of the long-run average cost curve of a firm?
(c) Establish the relationship between price, ep and marginal revenue.
(d) Write a short note on : Phases of Business cycle.
(e) Write a short note on : Globalisation.

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