General English B.A Question Paper : gscblr.kar.nic.in

College : Government Science College
University Bangalore University
Degree : B.A
Semester : I
Department : English
Subject : General English
Document type : Exam paper
Website : gscblr.kar.nic.in

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GSC Bangalore English Question Paper

I Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Examination, Nov/Dec. 2007
Language English (Paper0I)
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
Instructions :
1) Answer all Questions.
2) Mention the Sections and question numbers Correctly.

Related : Vikrama Simhapuri University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test English Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/13716.html


I. Answer any five of the following in two or three sentences.
Why is the dead Gull considered ‘a cruel recompense’?
What were the Conditions of sale agreed upon by Jenks and Solomon?
Why does the Whiteman not seem to notice the air he breathes?
Who are the five men that drive the wagon in the vachana of Allama Prabhu?
What did the boy dream of having in Ruskin Bond’s story?
Why was gangadhar not mugged and robbed of his shoes in New York?
Identify the two Contrasting voices heard by the poet in the poem ‘Snake’.

II. Answer any four of the following in half-a-page each.
1.Why was Jenks considered a ‘dandified individual’?
2.How are the rich and the poor treated by the bankers?
3.Why does Lawrence say that he has something to expiate in his poem ‘Snake’?
4.How, according to the begger, are one’s dreams realized and lost?
5.What is the central idea of the poem ‘Asleep’?
6.How does Gangadhar substantiate his observation that disparity in spending among different classes of people lead to tragedy?

III. Answer any two of the following in a page each.
1.How did the boy’s family react to his ‘almighty kick’ and why?
2.Narrate the circumstance that led Jenks to buy back his own whiskers.
3.How is Chief Seattle different from the Whiteman in his attitude towards nature?
4.Discuss the significance of the Mahar Struggle.


IV. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. These are the words inscribed on the stature of Liverty in New York. But ironically, those who go there are not the poor and the wretched but the skilled and the highly qualified doctors, engineers, scientists, nurses and technicians, from other countries including India. The urge to go to West has become compelling in India in Post-Independence years. Both the world and Political upheavals like civil wars and revolutions spawned large migrations during the first half of this century.

A. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase of a sentence each.
1. Why did people migrate in large numbers during the first half of the century?
2. Define brain-drain.
3. Mention two reasons for the brain drain.
4. How does the country suffer on account of brain drain?

B. Answer the following in 4 to 5 sentences :
1. How does the present situation make a mockery of the words inscribed on the statue of Liberty?
2. What are the major objectives of the anti-brain drain policies?

C. Answer the following :
1. What is ‘hard currency’?
2. All others-the poor and the wretched migrate to the U.S. (accept/except)
3. People in power have played a key role in international migration. (Change the voice)
4. Out of the thousands that migrate to the U.S. only_________ return to India. (a few, few)
5. Either higher salaries of good living (lure/lures) Indians to go abroad.


(Basic Communication Skills)
V. Rewrite as directed (Answer any five):

1. Old people need food more for their _______________ than growth.  (Use the appropriate form of ‘Survive’)
2. People cannot recycle paper permanently. (Change the sentence into positive)
3. The blind boy found it difficult to cope up with the stress.   (Correct the error)
4. Neither Aman nor Amit________________ (was/were) invited to the party.
5. He was interested in___________ (do) a course in French. (Use the appropriate form of the verb ‘do’)

6. Add ‘un’ or ‘in’ to the following words to form their opposites.
a) Convenient X________________ b) believable x _________________

VI. Answer the following questions : (1×5=5)
A. Write the Sentence using the appropriate phrases/expressions for each of the following situations given below.
1. Offering help to an old man to cross the road.
2. Requesting your friend for a pen.
3. Permitting your brother to use your mobile phone.
4. Refusing to go with your friend for a late night movie.
5. Asking the clerk for an extra copy of the marks card.

B. Give clear instructions for any one of the following in 5 or 6 sentences : (1×5=5)
1. How to draw a rangoli
2. How to use a public phone.
3. How to prepare coffee.
C. Give direction to your mother to help her reach the BMTC Bus stand from point A as marked on the given map. (1×5=5)
D. Write a dialogue of telephone conversation based on the following information. (1×5=5)

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