MAECO12 Economics Of Development & Growth M.A Question Paper Model : ksoukarnataka.com

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : M.A
Year : I
Department :Economics
Subject :MAECO12 Economics Of Development & Growth
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : ksoukarnataka.com

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KSOU Economics Of Development Question Paper

I YEAR) (M.A_Economics)

Related : Karnataka State Open University MCO12 Business Policy & Environment M.Com Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6526.html


Answer any three questions.
Q.1 Define economic development. Distinguish between development and growth. (15)
Q.2 Explain the Adam smith’s theory of economic development.
Q.3 Discuss the Schumpeterian model of economic development.15)
Q.4 Examine the Harrad-Domar model of economic growth. (15)
Q.5 Evaluate the theory of unbalanced growth. (15)


Answer any three questions.
Q.6Explain the role of industry in economic development.
Q.7Examine the concept of ‘stationary state’ in the Ricardian model of economic growth. (10)
Q.8Explain the importance of technology as a factor in economic growth.
Q.9Discuss the surplus value concept of Marxism. (10)
Q.10 What are the changing characteristics of LDCs? (10)


Answer any three questions.
Q.11 Write a short note on Vicious circle of poverty.
Q.12 Write a short note on capital accumulation (05)
Q.13 Write a short note on inflation (05)
Q.14 Write a short note on Free Trade (05)
Q.15 Write a short note on Human Development.

MEC12: Economic of Development and Growth
UNIT 1: Development and underdevelopment: an overview
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concept of Development
1.3 Distinction between economic growth and economic development
1.4 Pre-requisites for development
1.5 Features of less developed countries (LDCs)
1.6 Impediments to development
1.7 Let us sum
1.8 Key Words
1.9 For further reading

UNIT 2: Indicators of development
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Economic Indicators
2.2.1 Gross National Income
2.2.2 Per capita income
2.3 Non- Economic Indicators
2.3.1 Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
2.3.2 Basic Needs Approach
2.3.3 Human Development Index (HDI)
2.3.4 Gender Related Development Index (GDI)
2.3.5 Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM).
2.3.6 Human Poverty Index (HPT)
2.4 Let us sum up
2.5 Glossary
2.6 For further reading

UNIT 3: International Gap:
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Income distribution and economic growth
3.3 Dimension of the problem
3.4 Causes for the gap
3.5 Poverty and inequality
3.6 Remedies
3.7 Let us sum up
3.8 Glossary ussai
3.9 For further reading

UNIT 4: Smith, Recardo, Malthus And J.S. Mill
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Main Ideas of Adam Smith on Economic Development
4.2.1 The production function
4.2.2 Economic growth and division of labour
4.2.3 Accumulation of capital
4.2.4 Gradual and cumulative nature of development process
4.2.5 Role of Government to be minimal.
4.2.6 Free trade promotes development
4.2.7 Population of ‘inferior’ ranks to be controlled
4.2.8 Stationary state
4.2.9 Relevance to LDCs
4.3 Main Ideas of David Ricardo
4.3.1 The production function
4.3.2 Capital accumulation a function of profit
4.3.3 No overproduction or under consumption
4.3.4 Fiscal activities to be minimum
4.3.5 Free international trade based on comparative cost advantage
4.3.6 Process of economic growth in the short run
4.3.7 Long run: Stationary state
4.3.8 Relevance to LDCs

4.4 Main Ideas of T.R. Malthus.
4.4.1 Concept of development.
4.4.2 The production function.
4.4.3 Population and economic development.
4.4.4 Deficiency of effective demand and market glut,
4.4.5 Laissez faire policy.
4.4.6 Role of foreign trade.
4.4.7 Decline in the importance of agriculture.
4.4.8 Dualism
4.4.9 Stagnation.

4.4.10 Relevance to LDCs.
4.5 Main ideas of J.S. Mill on economic development
4.5.1 Causes of underdevelopment
4.5.2 On the influence of government
4.5.3 Stagnation
4.6 Relevance of Classical theory
4.7 Let us sum up
4.8 Glossary
4.9 Suggested reading

UNIT 5: Karl Marks 5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Main Elements of Marxian Theory of Economic Development
5.2.1 The Materialistic Interpretation of History
5.2.2 The Theory of Surplus Value
5.2.3 Capital Accumulation
5.2.4 Industrial Reserve Army
5.2.5 Collapse of capitalism
5.3 Higgin’s analysts-of Marxist theory of capitalist development and breakdown
5.4 Relevance to Less Developed Countries
5.5 Summing up
5.6 Glossary
5.7 Suggested Reading

UNIT 6: Joseph Scumpeter
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Main Elements of Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development
6.2.1 Operation of Schumpeter’s system
6.2.2 Role of Entrepreneur
6.2.3 Role of Savings and Credit
6.2.4 The Process of Capitalist Development
6.2.5 End of Capitalism
6.3 Higgin’s analysis of Schumpeter’s system

7.3.2 The Model
7.3.3 Critical Appraisals
7.4 Let us Sum up
7.5 Glossary
7.6 Review Questions
7.7 For Further Reading
UNIT 8: Joan Robinson’s Model of Economic Growth

8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Main index of Joan Robinson on Economic Development
8.2.1 Assumptions
8.2.2 The Model
8.2.3 Types of Golden Ages
8.2.4 Platinum Ages
8.3 Relevance to LDC’s
8.4 Let us sum up
8.5 Glossary
8.6 Review Questions

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