MCO13 Marketing Management M.Com Question Paper Model : ksoukarnataka.com

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : M.Com
Year : I
Subject :MCO13 Marketing Management
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : ksoukarnataka.com

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KSOU Marketing Management Model Question Paper


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KSOU M.Com Accounting Theory & Practice Question Paper

1. Answer any Two questions on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks
2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet
3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination.
4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately.

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The Chairperson
Department of Studies in Law and Research
Karnataka State Open University
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GROUP A: Answer any three questions. Each question carries 15marks:
Q.1Describe the concept of marketing in the context of changing business  environment.(15)
Q.2Discuss the various stages in the buying decision process.(15)
Q.3Explain the procedure for setting the price for a new product.(15)
Q.4Explain the basis employed to segment consumer markets. (15)
Q.5Discuss the various sales promotion techniques for consumer durables. (15)

GROUP B: Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks: (
Q.6What are the factors affecting channel selections for shopping goods (10)
Q.7Discuss the stages in marketing research process. (10)
Q.8What marketing strategies are appropriate at each stage of the product life cycle? (10)
Q.9Explain the steps in designing an advertising copy. (10)
Q.10 Discuss any two models of consumer behavior. (10)

GROUP C: Answer any three sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 5 marks: (5 X 3=15)
Q.11 Write a short note on selling concept
Q.12 Write a short note on Marketing Mix.
Q.13 Write a short note on Advertising
Q.14 Write a short note on Promotional Strategy
Q.15 Write a short note on Retail Marketing


MCO13: Marketing Management

Unit 1

Concepts of Marketing
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of Marketing
1.3 Various concepts of Marketing
1.3.1 Production Concept
1.3.2 Product Concept
1.3.3 Selling Concept
1.3.4 Marketing Concept
1.3.5 Societal Marketing Concept
1.4 Marketing as a concept
1.5 Components of Marketing Concept
1.5.1 Satisfaction of consumers
1.5.2 Integrated Marketing
1.5.3 Profitable Sales Volume
1.6 Implementation of Marketing Concept
1.7 Marketing as a Process
1.8 Marketing as a managerial Function
1.9 Benefits of Marketing Concept
1.10 Let us sum up
1.11 Terminal Questions
1.12 References

Unit 2

Systems Approach and Company Orientation towards marketing
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of System
2.3 Systems Approach in Business
2.4 Systems Approach in Planning
2.5 Systems Approach in Marketing
2.6 Elements of Systems Approach
2.6.1 A strategy
2.6.2 A Tactical Blueprint
2.6.3 Breakthrough Communications
2.7 Company Oriental towards Marketing
2.8 Marketing Oriental Concept
2.9 Correlates of Marketing Orientation
2.9.1 Company Specific
2.9.2 Market Specific
2.10 Let us sum up
2.11 Terminal Questions
2.12 References

Unit 3

Market Environment
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Approach to Environment Analysis
3.2.1 Socio-economic forces
3.2.2 Competition
3.2.3 Technology
3.2.4 Government Policies
3.2.5 Socio-cultural Environment
3.3 Meaning of Marketing Environment
3.4 Types of Marketing Environment
3.4.1 Economic Environment
3.4.2 Non-economic Environment
3.5 Controllable and Uncontrollable Environment
3.5.1 Macro Environment
3.5.2 Micro Environment
3.6 Meaning of Marketing Scanning
3.7 Impact of Environment on Marketing
3.7.1 Direct Action
3.7.2 Indirect Action
3.8 Market Environment at a Glance
3.9 Strategies for Market Scanning
3.10 Let us sum up
3.11 Terminal Questions
3.12 References

Unit 4

The Marketing Mix
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definition of Marketing Mix
4.3 Concept of Marketing Mix
4.4 Components of Marketing Mix
4.4.1 Product – Product Levels Core Benefits Basic Product Expected Product Augmented Product Potential Product
4.5 Classification of Products
4.6 Product concept Dimension
4.6.1 Managerial Dimension
4.6.2 Consumer Dimension
4.6.3 Societal Dimension
4.7 Product Mix
4.8 Price
4.8.1 Price Quality Strategy
4.8.2 Setting Pricing Policy
4.9 Promotion
4.10 Place
4.10.1 Strategic Decision Area in Place
4.11 Interrelationship between Marketing Mix and Logistics Systems
4.12 Sub-components of Four P’s
4.13 Let us sum up
4.14 Terminal Questions
4.15 References

Unit 5

Concepts of Marketing
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Concept of Market Segmentation
5.3 Definition of Marketing Segmentation
5.4 Basis of Market Segmentation
5.4.1 Customer based Segmentation Geographic Location of Customers Demographic Variables Psychographic variables Buyer Readiness
5.4. 2 Product Related Segmentation
5.5 Competition Related Segmentation
5.5.1 Hard Core Loyals
5.5.2 Soft Core Loyals
5.5.3 Switches
5.6 Bases of Market Segmentation (another way of classifying)
5.6.1 Geographic Segmentation
5.6.2 Demographic Segmentation
5.6.3 Psychographic Segmentation
5.6.4 Behavioral Segmentation
5.6.5 Value Based Segmentation
5.7 Benefits of Segmentation
5.7.1 Minimises Aggregation risk
5.7.2 Helps know company capabilities
5.7.3 Provides opportunities to expand market
5.7.4 Helps Create Innovations
5.7.5 Creates gains to Consumer
5.8 Market Segmentation Strategies
5.9 Requisites for Segmentation
5.10 Procedure for Segmentation
5.11 Let us sum up
5.12 Terminal Questions
5.13 References

Categories: Management Studies

View Comments (3)

  • Please provide me the sample question papers of M.Com 1st year for the below subjects
    ** Accounting For Managers
    ** Marketing Management
    ** Managerial Economics
    ** Organization Behavior And Management Concepts
    ** Business Policy And Environment.

  • Please send me the solution for case study of 1st sem M.Com. How can I write answer for case study? Send me some illustrations with answer.

  • I'm Deepa. Can anyone provide me the sample question papers of Mcom 1st year for the below subjects
    Accounting for managers
    Marketing management
    managerial economics
    organization behavior and management concepts
    Business policy and environment..

    Please send me the question papers to my mail id- deepashreeb75[AT]yahoo.com


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