MAEN13 Restortion & Eighteenth Century English Literature M.A Question Paper Model : ksoukarnataka.com

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : M.A
Department : English
Year : I
Subject :MAEN13 Restortion & Eighteenth Century English Literature
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : ksoukarnataka.com

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Restortion & Eighteenth Century English Literature Question Paper :


Related : Karnataka State Open University MAEN14 Nineteenth Century Literature M.A Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6508.html

Note :
1) Answer five questions without omitting any section.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

1.a) Consider The Way of the World as the best example of Restoration Comedy.
b)Examine the importance of the Bargaining scene in The Way of the World.
2.a) Comment on wit and humour in The School for Scandal.
b)Describe the portrayal of fashionable society in The School for Scandal.

3.a)Discuss Absalom and Achitopte as an allegorical poem.
b)Attempt a comparative study of Absalone and Achitophel as leaders
4.a)Discuss The Rape of the Lock as a satire on the 18th Century fashionable society.
b)Write a note on the supernatural in The Rape of the Lock.
5“Gray’s Elegy is a homage paid to the scintillating but unrecognized

6.a)How does Johnson assess the strengths and Weakness of Shakespeare as
b)“Shakespeare holds up to his readers a faithful mirror of manners and of life”.
Discuss this statement with reference to preface to Shakespeare.
7.a)Assess the contribution of Addison as an enayist.
b)Critically analyse Steel’s essay prescribed for your study.

8.The plot in The vicar of Wakefield is in many respects improbable. Discuss.
What are your impressions of the Vicar in Goldsmith’s novel.
9Estimate Moll Flandus as a Picaresque novel.
Write a critical note on the misadventures of Moll Flandus.
Discuss Tom Jones as a ‘Comic epic in prose’.
Examine Tom-Sophie relationship in Tom-Jones.
Discuss the role of Gulliver as a participant narrator in Gulliver’s Travels
Consider Gulliver’s Travels Book IV as an allegory.

MEN13: Restoration and eighteenth century English literature
Unit 1: Restoration and eighteenth century drama
** Objective
** Introduction
** Courtly culture
** Theatre
** Audience
** Actors
** Performance
** Dramas
** Revival of Shakespeare
** Let us sum up
** Self –check exercise
** Restoration & transition
** Heroic drama
** Critics of heroic drama
** Let us sum up
** Comedy of manners
** Let us sum up
** Reaction against the stage
** Comedy of the transition
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Eighteenth century drama
** Sentimental comedy
** Anti-sentimental comedy
** Let us sum up
** Musical comedy or opera
** Let us sum up
** Domestic tragedy
** Self check exercises
** Women & theatre
** Playwrights
** Actresses
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Keywords
** Suggested reading
** Self –study questions

Unit 2: Intellectual background to the Restoration and eighteenth century
** Objective
** Introduction
** Classicism of the Restoration and eighteenth century
** Rationalism & the revival of classicism
** Some other features of the classicism
** The debate between the ancients & the moderns & the battle of the books
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Literacy criticism
** An account of the criticism of important classicists
** Wit, fancy & judgment
** Nature & poetry, role of feeling & morals
** Self check exercises
** Let us sum up
** The Enlightenment
** Women’s liberation & the Enlightenment
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Keywords
** Suggested reading
** Self –study questions
** Answers to Self check exercises

Unit 3: Background to poetry of the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries
** Objective
** Introduction
** Satire in verse
** Mock heroic verse
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Transition poetry
** Poets of nature & imagination
** Graveyard poets
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Women poets
** Keywords
** Suggested reading
** Self –study questions
** Answers to self –check questions

Unit 4: Background to prose of the seventeenth & eighteenth century
** Objective
** Introduction
** Satire in prose
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Periodical essay
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Art of bibliography
** Let us sum up
** Self check exercises
** Rise of the novel
** Realism & the novel
** Defoe & realism
** Novel of sentiment
** Gothic novel
** Keywords
** Suggested reading
** Self –study questions
** Answers to self check exercises

Categories: English
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