A112 Poetry Drama,Friction & Hudson B.A Question Paper Model : ksoukarnataka.com

College : Karnataka State Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject : A112 Poetry Drama,Friction And Hudson
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : ksoukarnataka.com

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ksoukarnataka.com/6481-A-112%20-%20POETRY%20DRAMA,FRICTION%20AND%20HUDSON.docx

Poetry Drama,Friction & Hudson Model Question Paper :

A-112 –

Related : Karnataka State Open University Poetry,Prose,Fiction,Language Component B.A Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6484.html

a) Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance

b) That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And with thee fade away into the forest dim:

c) What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terror clasp?

d) The saints will aid if men will call;
For the blue sky bends over all!

e) If I’m pitched out a second time, you are going to keep me company.
f) Who wouldn’t gladly give his life for your sake?
g) Here I shall hold you like a hunted dove I have rescued unscathed from the cruel talous of the hawk.
h) It was tonight, when the miracle didn’t happen. It was then I realized you weren’t the man I thought you were.

2.Answer two of the following questions in about a page and a half each:
a)Write a critical appreciation of “The Solitary Reaper”.
b)Comment on the theme and structure of “Ode To A Nightingle”.
c)Explain how the impact of the Evil over The Good is brought out in “Christabel”.
d)Do you consider “The Chimney Sweeper” as a poem with a message against child labour? Discuss

3.Answer two of the following in about a page and a half each:
a)How does Ibsen champion the feminist cause in “A Doll’s House”?
b)Discuss the role played by Dr. Rank.
c)What are your impressions of Helmer as a husband?
d)What is the part played by Kristine Linde in Nora’s life?

4. Answer two of the following in about a page and a half each:
a)Explain the supernatural vision of Lockwood.
b)Narrate briefly the circumstances which prompt Heathcliff to take revenge on the family of Earnshaws.
c)Comment on the narrative technique in “Wuthering Heights”.
d)Sketch the character of Edger.

GROUP – E  :
5.Answer two of the following in about a page and a half each:
a)Summarize Hudson’s views on literary impulses.
b)Explain Taine’s theory of literary evolution.
c)When does a biography become useless to the study of literature?
d)“Style is not the coat of the writer, but his skin”. Discuss

First Year :
ENG-L 112: Poetry, Prose, Fiction, Language Component
Unit 1: Chaucer: The Wife of Both
Unit 2: Shakespeare: Full Many a Glorious Morning
Unit 3: Milton: How soon Hath time
Unit 4: Pope: Belinda’s Dressing table
Unit 5: Gray: Selection from the Elegy
Unit 6: Wordsworth: Three years She grew
Unit 7: Tennyson: Ulysses
Unit 8: Arnold: Dover Beach

Unit 9: Bacon: Of Studies
Unit 10: Swift: “Yahoo’ Extract from Gulliver’s Travels – Book IV Chapter II
Unit 11: Washington Irwing: The Widow and the Son
Unit 12: Hawthorne: Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
Unit 13: Dickens – Definition of a Horse
Unit 14: Maupassant: The Necklace

Units 15 – 24: Orwell: Animal Farm
Unit 25: Expansion of an Idea
Unit 26: Comprehension
Unit 27: Use of Idioms
Unit 28: Active and Passive Voice
Unit 29: Synonyms & Antonyms
Unit 30: One word substitute

A-112: Poetry, Drama, Fiction And Hudson
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
Unit 1: Wordsworth: Daffodils
Unit 2: Wordsworth: Solitary Reaper
Wordsworth: Westminster Bridge
Unit 3: Keats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
Unit 4: Keats: Ode to a Nightingale
Unit 5: Shelley: To a Skylark
BLOCK 2: Poetry (Contd.,):
Unit 6: Coleridge: Christabel
Unit 7: Blake: The Tyger
Unit 8: Blake: The Chimney sweeper
Unit 9: Browning: Prospice
BLOCK 3: Drama:
Units 10-13: Ibsen: A Doll’s House
BLOCK 4: Fiction and Hudson
Units 14-17: Emile Bronte – Wuthering Heights
Units 18-19: Hudson–An Introduction the Study of Literature–Chapters I & II

A-212: Poetry, Drama, Fiction And Prose
BLOCK 1: Poetry:
Unit 1: Shakespeare: Shall I compare thee…
Shakespeare: Let me not to the marriage.
Unit 2: Milton: On His Blindness
Unit 3: Donne: Death Be Not Proud, Good Morrow
Unit 4: Herbert: The Gifts of God
Unit 5: Dryden: Song for St.Cecilia’s Day

BLOCK 2: Drama:
Units 6-9: Galsworthy – The Silver Box

BLOCK 3: Fiction and Prose:
Units 10-13: Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist
Unit 14: Bacon-Of Travel, of Ambition
Unit 15: Addision – Tombs in Westminister Abbey
Unit 16: Goldsmith – National Prejudicies

BLOCK 4: Fiction:
Units 17-20: Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

Categories: English

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