Production & Operations Management M.B.A Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : M.B.A
Semester : II
Subject : Production & Operations Management
Document type : Question Paper
Website : vardhaman.org

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Vardhaman MBA Question Paper

MBA II Semester Regular Examinations
(Master of Business Administration)
** Answer any FIVE Questions.
** All Questions carries equal marks.

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Vardhaman College MBA Quantitative Decisions For Business Analysis Question Paper

June/July – 2014
1. a) Mention situations in:
i. Banking
ii. Advertising
iii. Agriculture
iv. Hoteliering where production and operations is involved
v. Describe the inputs
vi. Outputs, processes and utilities 6M

b) Write short notes on different stages in a product life cycle with respect to manufacturing strategies and challenges of each stage in the life cycle. 6M
2. a) How does a good plant layout help to improve productivity? 6M
b) Discuss the following statement “Some industries are located near the source of raw materials, whereas some near the markets for finished goods”. 6M

3. Explain the different types of costs associated with aggregate planning. For each of the cost, enumerate the areas where the cost plays an important role. 12M
4. a) Would the Line of balance technique be useful to the General Manager (production) or to a Plant superintendent? Explain. 6M
b) What are the scheduling problems in line balancing? 6M

5. How can work study be used for arriving at:
i. Manufacturing budget
ii. Production Plan
iii. Materials Planning
iv. Personnel Policies 12M
6. a) Why is an ISO 9000 certification important to a firm? What are the advantages to the firm? Explain. 6M
b) Is TQM more applicable in manufacturing industry as compared to service industry? Discuss. 6M

7. Draw the network for the following activities and the time duration shown, calculate the total time taken for completion of the activities and identify the critical path.
Activity Duration
1-2 10
2-3 2
2-5 6
3-4 12
3-7 9
4-5 8
4-6 5
4-8 10
5-8 4
6-7 0
7-9 7
8-10 5
9-11 8
10-11 10 12M

8. a) How is the concept behind ABC classification useful for managing a manager’s time? Explain.
b) List and explain different costs associated with inventory. 6M

Production & Operations Management

( Master of Business Administration )
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE Questions.
All Questions carry equal marks

1 Write a brief note on
(i) Historical Evolution of Production and Operations Management(POM) and
(ii)Responsibilities of Production Manager. 12M
2 What is meant by Facilities management and explain its benefits. 12M
3 “Mixed strategies are always superior to pure strategies in an aggregate production planning exercise”. Comment on this statement. 12M
4 What is a job shop? Outline and describe the critical parameters of the job shop scheduling problem. 12M

5 Calculate the standard time per unit produced given the following data obtained by a work sampling study.
** Total No. of observations = 2500
** No. of working observations = 2100
** No. of units produced in 100 hours = 6000
** Proportion of manual labour = 2/3
** Proportion of machine time = 1/3
** Observed rating factor = 115%
** Total allowances = 12% of normal time 12M

6 How do control charts differ from acceptance sampling plans? Under what circumstances is each appropriate? 12M
7 Explain the Concepts of(i) PERT and(ii) CPM , by illustrating with Examples and drawing the networks . 12M
8 Explain briefly(i) Material Requirement Planning(MRP) and (ii)Just In Time Production System(JIT). 12M

Marketing Management

(Master of Business Administration)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE Questions.
All Questions carry equal marks
All parts of the questions must be answered in one place only
1 Does marketing orientation impact business performance? Discuss. 12M

2 It is always better to hire a professional marketing research firm rather than engaging one’s own staff for this purpose. Comment. 12M
3 Discuss prominent changes in various demographic segments that have affected business globally. 12M

4 What do you mean by Environment scanning? Explain in detail about the constituents of Macro and micro environment forces. 12M
5 Develop marketing strategies in different stages of product life cycle of ‘Solar Car’ 12M
6 Examine the role of promotion for effective marketing of a newly entered Mobile company. 12M

7 What is meant by market segmentation? Discuss in detail about the steps to be followed in market segmentation. 12M
8 What is a choice criterion? How does a consumer formulate choice criteria for evaluating alternatives? Discuss each criteria in detail, with relevant examples. 12M

Categories: Business Studies

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