Software Quality Assurance & Testing M.Tech Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Semester : II
Department :Software Engineering
Subject : Software Quality Assurance & Testing
Document type : Question Paper
Website : https://vardhaman.org/

Vardhaman  Software Quality Assurance Question Paper

Two Year M. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations September – 2012
(Software Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE Questions.
All Questions carry equal marks

Related : Vardhaman College Of Engineering Design For Testability M.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6456.html

All parts of the questions must be answered in one place only :
1 a) Define the Software Quality Assurance. Give some of basis for Software Quality. 8M
b) Explain the software process with respect to Software Quality Assurance. 4M
2 a) Discuss in detail the software configuration management 8M
b) Write a short notes on reviews and audits 4M

3 a) What are various Software Quality metrics? Explain? 6M
b) Explain with example the software complexity metrics. 6M
4 a) What is structured engineering. Explain with an example. 6M
b) Discuss the methodology which improves the software quality. 6M

5 a) Who are different members in critical groups in the testing process? 8M
b) Write short notes on errors faults and failures. 4M
6 a) Write a short notes on origins of defects. 6M
b) Explain the defect classes and the defect repository. 6M

7 a) Explain with help of an example between white box and black box testing strategies. 8M
b) What are different contents under which white box and black box testing techniques to evaluate a COTS component. 4M
8 a) Explain in detail the test adequacy criterion hierarchy and its criteria (Axioms) 8M
b) Write short notes on covering code logic paths. 4M

Software Engineering

Date: 09 July, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 60
Answer any Five Questions.
All Questions carries equal marks.

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only.
1. a) Explain the ethical basis for the software quality. 6M
b) Explain principles behind total quality management. 6M
2. a) Explain different types of quality standards and practices. 6M
b) What is software configuration management? How is it helpful in deploying the product? 6M

3. a) Explain process and product metrics in detail. 8M
b) List all complexity metrics and models. 4M
4. a) Which are the quality assurance activities of top management? 6M
b) Which are project management responsibilities of quality assurance? 6M

5. a) Explain the roles of process in software quality. 6M
b) List the strategic approach for software testing. 6M
6. a) Illustrate the relation between defect repository and test design. 8M
b) Which are the different classes of defects? 4M

7. a) Explain test case design strategies. 6M
b) Explain black box testing method with some examples. 6M
8. a) Explain how cotsuses white box testing for test design. 6M
b) With an example explain the use of control flow graph in test design. 6M

Coding Theory & Techniques

(Common to Digital Electronics and Communications Systems & Wireless and Mobile Communications)
Date: 07 July, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 60
Answer any Five Questions.
All Questions Carries equal Marks.

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only.
1. a) Prove that the entropy attains a “Maximum value” when all the source symbols become equiprobable. 6M
b) The parity check bits of (7,4) hamming code are generated by:
C5= d1+d3+d4
Find the Generator matrix and Parity check Matrix. 6M

2. a) Prove that the generator Polynomial g(x) of a (n,k) Cyclic code is a factor of xn+1 5M
b) Write the [H] matrix for the (15, 11) cyclic code using g(x) = 1+x+x4.Calculate the code Polynomial for the message polynomial d(x) =1+x3+x7+x10. Construct the decoder for the same. 7M

3. a) With the help of a block diagram, explain the general decoder for cyclic codes, Also explain the step-wise procedure of error correction? 8M
b) Briefly discuss the construction of shortened cyclic codes. 4M

4. In a (3,2,1) convolution encoder the impulse response is given by:
g1(0)=[ 1 1], g1(1) =[0 1], g1(2)=[1 1]
g2(0) =[0 1], g2(1)=[1 0], g2(2)=[1 0]
Draw the encoder circuit. For the message U(1) =[1 1 0 ] and U(2)=[1 0 1]. Find the codeword using Time Domain and Transform domain approach. 12M

5. a) Explain Stack algorithm and mention four demerits of stack algorithm? 6M
b) Draw Flow chart for Fano algorithm and explain the algorithm in detail. 6M

6. a) What are ‘burst error correcting codes’? Explain with an example, the technique of cyclic interleaving to achieve burst error correction. 6M
b) Compute the burst-error-correcting efficiency of a (15,9) Cyclic code with g(x)= 1+x3+x4+x5+x6 and a burst error correcting ability b=3. 6M

7. a) Construct a table for GF(23) based on the primitive Polynomial P(x) = 1+x+x3.Write the power polynomial and vector representation of each element. 8M
b) Compute the addition table for GF(5) and GF(7). 4M

8. a) With a suitable diagram, explain the decoding of BCH codes using the syndrome computation circuit? 6M
b) Consider a (15,7) double error Correcting BCH code with g(x)= 1+x4+x6+x7+x8 and m(x)=1+x. Find the codeword c(x). 6M

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