Biochemistry & Nutrition-II B.Tech Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Food Tech & Bio-Chemical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Name : Biochemistry And Nutrition – II
Year/Sem : II/I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/6430-Biochemistry%20&%20Nutrition-II.pdf

Biochemistry And Nutrition – II Question Paper :

Full Marks : 100
Time : Three Hours
Use a separate Answer script for each Part.

Related : Jadavpur University Technology Of Food–II B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6429.html

Part – I :
Answer question No. 1 and any two from the rest.
1. (a) Name the carotenoids that show pro-vitamin A activity. Provide an overview of vitamin A degradation. 3+5
(b) What is RDA ? State the RDA for any two vitamins of your choice. 2+2
(c) What are the causes of mineral loss in foods ? 3
(d) Design a geriatric diet at moderate cost. Name two leading companies that manufacture geriatric food. 3+2

2. (a) What is sunlight off-flavor ? How can this off-flavor generation be averted ? 2+1
(b) What is NPU ? What are the NPU values of an Indian diet ? How is protein requirement as a dietary protein calculated ? 2+1+2
(c) Write the reactions showing sequential one-electron transfer in L-ascorbic acid ? Indicate the forms that show vitamin C activity. 5+2

3. (a) In which form is thiamine present in the human body ? What factors influence stability of thiamine ? 1+4
(b) Diagrammatically show how essential minerals can be grouped by chemical form, bioavailability, occurrence and nutritional deficiency. 5
(c) Which is the major naturally occurring form of folate in foods ? What form of Fe is most preferred in food fortification and why ? 1+4

4. (a) What are micronutrients ? Mention dietary sources of two micronutrients of your choice. 2+3
(b) What are the roles of Fe in the human body ? How does the body protect itself from the toxic effects of Fe ? 3+4
(c) Which is the most abundant mineral in the human system ? What does FAO/WHO recommended for its intake ? 1+2

Part – II :
Answer question No. 5 and any two from the rest. :
1. Derive Michaelis-Menten equation. Add a note on the significance of KM value. In a Michaelis-Menten enzyme mechanism, what concentrations (related to KM) are needed for the reaction rate to be (a) 0.1 Vmax (b) 0.9Vmax? 8+3+2+2=15
2. List six classes of enzymes and mention only one distinctive feature for each. 9+6=15

3. Define basal metabolic rate. State the factors that influence basal metabolic rate. Name the essential amino acids and state why they are so called ? 4+6+5=15
4. Describe different types of enzyme inhibitors. Give an example of enzyme inhibitor use as drug. 12+3=15

5. Write short note on (any four) : 5×4=20
(a) Active site
(b) Turnover number
(c) Isozyme
(d) Biological value of food
(e) Feedback inhibition
(f) Glycemic index
(g) Coenzyme.

Biochemistry And Nutrition :
Introduction to biochemical sciences. Enzyme and coenzymes : Introduction, definition, nomenclature, classification, numbering, structure and functions of coenzyme energy-rich -compounds, active centre of enzymes, mechanisms of enzyme action, effect of temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme reaction. Specificity of enzymes, enzyme inhibition, kinetics of enzyme action, activation of enzymes; regulatory enzymes , iso enzymes; enzymes involved in digestion.

Metabolism of carbohydrates: Embden – Meyerhoff pathway, cori and corycycle, muscle contraction and relaxation, Neuberg second and third form of fermentation, Kreb’s cycle, Glyxlnate by-pass, Hexosemonophosphate shunt pathway. Electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation and substrate linked phosphorylation, energy balances .

Metabolism of lipids: Digestion and absorption of lipids , fatty liver, lipotropic agents, oxidation pathway, oxidation of odd- carbon- chain fatty acids, Ketone bodies, energy balance, Lipid biosyntehsis. Metabolism of proteins: Importance proteins, digestion and absorption of proteins, amino acid pool, nitrogen balance, essential amino acids, evaluation of quality of proteins, general metabolism of proteins and amino acods. Nucleic acids and protein biosynthesis.

The functions of food. Fuel value of foods. Basal metabolism. Total energy need of individualas engaged in different activities. Determination of food energy. Physiological fuel value of foods, calculation of energy value of foods. Methods of measuring on estimating caloric value of a diet.

Physiological functions, role in metabolism and daily requirements of vitamin A, D, E, K, C, Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxin, cyanocobalamine, folic acid, choline, p-aminobenzoic acid, pantothenic acid. Minerals as structural and functional constituents in human metabolism. Specific role of iron, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, zinc, copper and iodine. Dietary interrelationship.

Functional foods. Neutraceuticals. Assessment of nutritional status of populations. Problems of under nutrition and effect of calorie over nutrition. Diet and dental health. Nutrition during pregnancy, lactation and aging. Nutrition of children. Selection of an adequate diet. New developments in foods and nutrition.

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