Technology Of Food–II B.Tech Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Food Tech & Bio-Chemical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Name : Food Packaging Technology
Year/Sem : II/I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/6429-Technology%20of%20food%20II.pdf

Technology Of Food – II Question Paper :

Bachelor Of Technology (FTBE) Examination, 2010 :
(2nd Year, 1st Semester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
Use a separate Answer Script for each part.

Related : Jadavpur University Technology Of Food – II : www.pdfquestion.in/6179.html

Part I : (60 marks)
Answer question no. 1 and any two of the following:
All questions carry equal marks :
1. i) Define the following : 6
a) Isoelectric precipitation of propteins
b) Pinmilling method of Pegume protin isolation
c) Chemical Score of proteins

ii) Distinguish between : 6
a) White bread & brown bread
b) Cereal proteins & legume proteins
c) Bread dough & cake dough
iii) a) Solubility of oilseed & legume protein is important factor for fabrication of food products – explain
b) Discuss objective of flour milling from wheat. 8

2. i) Discuss with line diagram preparation of bread indicating importance of various operations involved. 12
ii) Explain different layers present in wheat with a neat sketch. 8

3. i) Discuss different methods used for isolation of protein for food industries from oilseeds & legumes. 10
ii) Explain different functional properties involved in oilseed & legume proteins for fabrication of various food products. 10

4. Explain the following :
i) Cereal-Legume bland is important for human nutrition
ii) Puffing & flaxing of cereals
iii) Low Cost, cereals has been increasing importance in India.
iv) Characteristics of protein & starch available is Corn & Wheat.

Part II : (40 marks)
Answer any three questions. :
All question carry equal marks :
5. What is parboiling of paddy? How does nutritional characteristics change due to parboiling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of parboiled rice? State the essential steps of parboiling.

6. a) Distinguish between
i) rough rice and brown rice.
ii) milling recovery and head rice recovery
iii) busked rice and milled rice
b) What is flaking? What are the changes occur due to flaking of rice? How can flake is being manufactured?

7. What are the principle steps involved in modern rice milling operation? Explain the operating principle of the following
i) Under runner disc huller
ii) Open double sieve precleaner and self cleaning sieves.
iii) Tray type separator.
8. Discuss briefly about
i) Soaking of paddy for parboiling
ii) Quick cooking rice.

Technology Of Foods-I Syllabus : (Technology of fish, meat and poultry)
World production of fish, meat and poultry. Consideration of fish, as food assessment of quality of fish. Effect of method of catching and handling on the quality of fish. Handling of wet fish on board the catching vessel and on landing storage and transport of wet fish. Preservation of fish by different methods. Manufacture of fish protein concentrates, fish sauce and fish liver oil and otherimportant by-products and quality control aspects of processed fish pisciculture and breeding. Processing of meat and meat products; curing, smoking, manufacture of sausage, ham bacon and other products. Meat analogues. Processing of poultry. Egg and egg products composition nutritive value. Preservation of egg by different methods. Egg quality assessment. By-product utilization.

Technology Of Foods-II Syllabus : (Technology of Cereals, legumes and confectionaries)
Storage of cereals, infestation control and use of pesticide Drying of grains. Processing of rice and rice products. Milling of wheat and production of wheat products including flour, bread, biscuits, cakes and other confectionery products. illing of corn barley, oat, coarse grains including sorghum, ragi and millets. Toxic factors in cereals. In festation control. Proximate composition of legumes. Amino acid balance, inhibitors, toxic factors and processing methods : By products utilisation.

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