C# & .Net Framework B.Tech Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Semester : VI
Subject : C# & .Net Framework
Document type : Question Paper
Website : vardhaman.org

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May- 2014 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vardhaman.org/6397-BT6RMAY14.pdf

Vardhaman C# & .Net Framework Question Paper

Four Year B. Tech VI Semester Regular Examinations June – 2014
(Regulations: VCE-R11)
(Common to Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 5 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Related : Vardhaman College Of Engineering VLSI Design B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6394.html

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only  :
Unit – I :
1. a) Describe the three building blocks of .Net platform. 7M
b) What is Common Type System? Explain different types defined by the CTS in their language of choice. 8M
2. a) CLS rules apply only to those parts of a type that are exposed outside the defining assembly – Give inference with a suitable example. 8M
b) List the productivity enhancements provided by SharpDevelop. 7M

Unit – II :
3. a) Describe Boxing and Unboxing with suitable examples. 7M
b) Write a C# program to find the minimum and maximum element of an array. The array should have both positive and negative elements. Irrespective of the elements, your program should find maximum number when all numbers are made positive and minimum number when all numbers are made negative. 8M

4. a) Write a C# program that determines a student’s grade. The program will read three types of scores (quiz score, mid-term score, and final score) and determine the grade based on the following rules:
i. If the average score >=90% =>grade=A
ii. If the average score >= 70% and <90% => grade=B
iii. If the average score>=50% and <70% =>grade=C
iv. If the average score<50% =>grade=F 8M

b) Explain the method parameters keywords in C# namely “ref” and “out” with suitable examples. 7M

Unit – III :
5. a) Illustrate the concept of containment/delegation model with an example. 7M
b) Explain different Exception class members that can be useful in further qualifying the nature of the problem with an example for each? 8M
6. a) What is a shadowing member in C# programming? Illustrate the shadowing member by taking an example. 8M
b) Illustrate how multiple exceptions are handled in C# programming with an example. 7M

Unit – IV :
7. a) What is a delegate? Illustrate how to define a delegate type in C#. 8M
b) Illustrate the process of strongly naming an assembly. 7M
8. a) Write simple Console Application program in C# programming illustrating a delegate type. 7M
b) Briefly discuss CIL Code, Type Metadata and the Assembly Manifest in .NET assembly. 8M

Unit – V :
9. a) Demonstrate the process of building a reusable data access library. 10M
b) Compare and contrast dataset and data table. 5M
10. a) Give definitions for IDbDataParameter and IDataParameter Interfaces. 8M
b) List the seven methods of dataset along with its usage. 7M

Object Oriented Design & Patterns

(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology)
Date: 3 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only :

Unit – I

1. a) State and explain principles of modeling. 7M
b) What are the building blocks of the UML? Explain. 8M
2. a) Explain the following terms with suitable examples and UML notations.
i. Generalization
ii. Aggregation
iii. Multiplicity 8M
b) Explain modeling of concrete and prototypical instances with a suitable example. 7M

Unit – II

3. The Web Customer uses some web site to make purchases online. Typically the website may have top level menus such as View Items, Make Purchase and Register. View Items could be used by customer only when they want to find and see some products. Register menu allows customer to register on the web site, for example to get some coupons or be invited to private sales. Customer may search for items, browse catalog, view items recommended for him/her, add items to shopping cart or wish list. Note, that the customers checkout after making purchase. Customer Authentication is included in View Recommended Items and Add to shopping cart. Design a use case diagram for online shopping system. 15M

4. a) Facebook uses OAuth 2.0 protocol framework which enables web application (called “client”), which is usually not the FB resource owner but is acting on the FB user’s behalf, to request access to resources controlled by the FB user and hosted by the FB server. Instead of using the FB user credentials to access protected resources, the web application obtains an access token. Web application should be registered by Facebook to have an application ID (client_id) and secret (client_secret).

When request to some protected Facebook resources is received, web browser (“user agent”) is redirected to Facebook’s authorization server with application ID and the URL the user should be redirected back to after the authorization process. User receives back Request for Permission form. If the user authorizes the application to get his/her data, Facebook authorization server redirects back to the URI that was specified before together with authorization code (“verification string”).

The authorization code can be exchanged by web application for an OAuth access token. If web application obtains the access token for a FB user, it can perform authorized requests on behalf of that FB user by including the access token in the Facebook Graph API requests. If the user did not authorize web application, Facebook issues redirect request to the URI specified before and adds the error_reason parameter to notify the web application that authorization request was denied. Design a sequence diagram for the above scenario. 10M

b) Engine is part-of Car or Car has Engine as main part hence the relationship between them is Composition. Organization has Person as employees, relationship between them is Aggregation. Write Java Class Skelton to demonstrate these concepts. 5M

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