Composite Materials B.Tech Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Aeronautical Engineering
Semester : VI
Subject : Composite Materials
Document type : Question Paper
Website : vardhaman.org

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May- 2014 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vardhaman.org/6391-BT6RMAY14.pdf

Vardhaman Composite Materials Question Paper

Four Year B. Tech VI Semester Regular Examinations June – 2014
(Regulations: VCE-R11)
Date: 7 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Related : Vardhaman College Of Engineering Operations Research B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6386.html

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only :

Unit – I

1. a) Give the characteristics of composite materials. Also give the classification of composites based on matrix and reinforcement? 8M
b) What are advanced composites? Mention the limitations of composite materials? 7M
2. a) Give the classification of composites based on reinforcement. In brief discuss the types of continuous fibres. 9M
b) Discuss in roles/functions served by matrix and reinforcement in composite materials. 6M

Unit – II

3. a) Differentiate between dispersion strengthened and particle strengthened composites. 10M
b) What is the basic principle used in fibre reinforced composites? 5M
4. a) What are ‘whiskers’? Name some whiskers that are currently available? 8M
b) Name the various grades of glass fibres used as reinforcement in glass fibre reinforcement plastic (GRP). Discuss any one. 7M

Unit – III

5. a) With the help of sketch/flow chart explain the stages involved in hand lay-up method for the production of polymer based composites. 11M
b) What are bags used in Bag molding? What characteristics they should exhibit? 4M

6. a) With illustration and giving all the details explain filament winding process used to manufacture polymer matrix composites. 10M
b) Explain the curing cycle in autoclave molding with neat sketches? 5M

Unit – IV

7. a) Explain in detail the liquid metal infiltration? 8M
b) Explain the In site processing by controlled unidirectional solidification of a eutectic alloy? 7M
8. With neat sketches, explain the Sinter-forging technique for producing near-net shape, low cost MMCs? 15M

Unit – V

9. a) Calculate the modulus of elasticity of a composite material consisting of 60% by volume of continuous E-glass fiber and 40% epoxy resin for the matrix when stressed under isostress conditions. (i.e the material is stresses perpendicular to the continuous fiber). The modulus of elasticity of the E glass is 72.4 GPa and that of the epoxy resin is 3.1 GPa. 5M
b) What happens when a Composite is Stressed? Explain with a neat sketch? 10M
10. Derive the equation for elastic modulus of a composite laminate. 15M

Microprocessors And Intefacing

(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering &
Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 8 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only :
Unit – I :
1. a) With a neat block diagram explain the internal architecture of the 8086 microprocessor. 10M
b) Write 5 memory addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor with an example for each. 5M
2. a) Explain the segmentation of 8086 microprocessor with a neat diagram? 7M
b) Explain the register organization of 8086 microprocessor and give special function of general purpose registers with an example for each? 8M

Unit – II :
3. a) Explain the following instructions and the assembler directives:
iii. AAD
v. DW
vi. ENDP
vii. EQU 7M
b) Write an ALP to sort a given array of data in ascending order using bubble sort? 8M

4. a) What is a Macro? What are the differences between a macro and a subroutine? How do you pass parameters to macro? 8M
b) Write a program to add two multi-byte number and store the result as a third number. The number are stored in the form of the byte lists stored with the lowest byte first? 7M

Unit – III :
5. a) Interface two 4K?8 EPROMS and two 4K?8 RAM chips with 8086. The starting address of EPROM is FE000H and RAM starting address is FC000H. Use 3 to 8 decoder to select the memory chips. 7M
b) Interface ADC0808 with 8086 using 8255 Ports. Use Port A of 8255 for transferring digital data output of ADC to the CPU and Port C for control signals. Assume that an analog input is present at input 2 of the ADC and a clock input of suitable frequency is available for ADC. Draw the schematic and write the required ALP. 8M

6. a) Draw the block diagram of 8255 (PPI). Explain in brief various modes of operation with the help of its control register contents? 8M
b) Interface five 7-segment display’s with 8255. Write a sequence of instructions to display 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 over the multiplexed 5 displays. 7M

Unit – IV :
7. a) What is interrupt vector table? Explain how this is used in branching to interrupt service routines? 7M
b) What are the registers available in DMA controller? What are their functions? 8M
8. a) Draw the internal architecture of 8259A and explain the initialization sequence of the same. 8M
b) With a block diagram, explain 8086 connections made for MAX mode operation. 7M

Unit – V :
9. a) Design the hardware interface circuit for interfacing 8251 with 8086. Set the 8251A in asynchronous mode as a transmitter and receiver with even parity enabled, 2 stop bits, 8 bit character length, frequency 160KHz and baud rate 10K. Write an ALP to receive 10 bytes of data string and store it at 3000:4000H. 10M
b) Explain the procedure of converting a linear address into a physical address in 80386 microprocessors? 5M

10. a) Explain the mode instruction and control word format of 8251? 8M
b) Explain Physical address formation in protected virtual address mode in 80286 microprocessors?

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