Air Pollution & Control Methods B.Tech Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Department :Mechanical Engineering
Semester : VI
Subject : Air Pollution & Control Methods
Document type : Question Paper
Website : vardhaman.org

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May- 2014 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vardhaman.org/6383-BT6RMAY14.pdf

Vardhaman Air Pollution Control Methods Question Paper

Four Year B. Tech VI Semester Regular Examinations June – 2014
(Regulations: VCE-R11)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 7 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Related : Vardhaman College Of Engineering Design Of Steel Structures B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6382.html

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only

Unit – I

1. a) List the major gaseous air pollutant and elaborate on the sources and effects of these on human health. 8M
b) Acid rain is the one of the worst form of air pollution. Justify the statement. 7M
2. a) Differentiate with examples
i. Primary and secondary air pollutants
ii. Stationary and mobile sources 8M
b) Green house effect is a global issue. Explain the term green house effect and its consequences. 7M

Unit – II

3. a) Explain the control of NOx emission removal from stack gas using the chemical sorption process (H2SO4 solution). 8M
b) In brief, write the various methods available to control gaseous pollutants. 7M
4. a) List the meteorological parameters that influence air pollution. 8M
b) Discuss the role of wind direction and speed in dispersion of air pollutant. 7M

Unit – III

5. a) With a neat diagram illustrate the temperature profiles for different cases of atmospheric stability. 8M
b) What are topographical effects? Explain with suitable examples? 7M
6. a) Derive the equation used for a Gaussian plume model. Also state its assumptions and limitations. 8M
b) Discuss the effects of wind velocity in the atmospheric boundary layer with height during day and night. 7M

Unit – IV

7. a) Identify the major components of electrostatic precipitator and discuss the efficiency of ESP. 8M
b) Scrubbers are utilized to removal air particulates. Explain the principles of involved scrubbing mechanisms. List any two advantages and disadvantages of scrubbers.7M

8. a) Explain in detail the importance of cyclones and their applications. 8M
b) Discuss the importance of combustion processes to control gaseous air pollutants. 7M

Unit – V

9. a) Explain briefly the source correction methods used in various industrial operations to control air pollution? 7M
b) Discuss any two methods for monitoring nitrogen oxides and state their limitations. 8M
10. a) Write the average concentration of the following pollutants in the environment and state the methods for their measurement (SPM , SO2 , NOx , CO) 8M
b) Discuss briefly the various factors to be considered for environment management. 7M

Electrical Measurements

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 3 June, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

All parts of the question must be answered in one place only :
Unit – I :
1. a) Explain different types of forces that are needed for satisfactory operation of any indicating instrument. 7M
b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the construction of PMMC instrument and also prove that deflection is directly proportional to the current passing through the meter in PMMC instrument. 8M

2. a) What are Shunts and Multipliers? Derive an expression for both with reference to the meters used in electric circuits. 8M
b) With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of an electrodynamometer type single phase power factor meter. 7M

Unit – II :
3. a) Explain how the range of a wattmeter can be extended using instrument transformers 8M
b) Describe with neat sketch the working of a single phase Induction type energy meter. 7M
4. a) Explain the errors in dynamo meter type wattmeter due to method of connection of current coil and pressure coil. 8M
b) The meter constant of a 230V, 10A watthour meter is 1800 revolutions per kwh. The meter is tested at half load and rated voltage and unity power factor . the meter is found to make 80 revolutions in 138 s. Determine the meter error at half load. 7M

Unit – III :
5. a) With the help of a neat diagram explain the construction of Crompton’s type potentiometer. Describe the steps followed when making measurements with Crompton’s type potentiometer. 7M
b) Mention the differences between DC and AC Potentiometer and explain certain important factors which must be considered for AC Potentiometer operation. 8M
6. a) With the help of neat circuit diagram, explain the measurement of unknown resistance using DC Potentiometer. 8M
b) With the help of neat diagram explain the working principle of Co-Ordinate type A C Potentiometer. 7M

Unit – IV :
7. a) With a neat sketch, explain Kelvin double bridge. Obtain an expression for unknown low esistance. 8M
b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain how carry foster slide wire bridge can be used to measure unknown resistance. 7M

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