Computer Programming B.Tech Question Paper : vardhaman.org

College : Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Semester : I
Subject : Computer Programming
Document type : Question Paper
Website : vardhaman.org

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Computer Programming Question Paper :

B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations July – 2014
(Regulations : VCE-R11A)
(Common for All Branches)
Date : 08 July, 2014
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75

Related : Vardhaman College Of Engineering Engineering Drawing B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6296.html

Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carries Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
Unit – I :

1. a) Explain briefly steps in creating and running programs. 7M
b) What is a constant? Explain briefly three ways of using constants in C with a suitable example. 8M

2. a) C uses small integers internally to represent each different character. The set of characters a computer uses and the corresponding integer representations for those characters is called that computer’s character set. Write a C program that prints the integer equivalents of some uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits and special symbols. As a minimum, determine the integer equivalents of the following: A B C a b c 0 1 2 $ * + / and the blank character. 7M
b) What is type conversion? List four situations where type conversion is done in C. 8M

Unit – II :
3. a) Explain briefly the following control structures of C:
i. Switch
ii. Do-while 7M
b) Write a C program to perform matrix addition using arrays. 8M
4. a) Define a function called hypotenuse that calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle when the other two sides are given. Use this function in a program to determine the length of the hypotenuse for each of the following triangles. The function should take two arguments of type double and return the hypotenuse as a double. 7M
b) Explain briefly command line arguments in C with a suitable example. 8M

Unit – III :
5. a) Explain predefined string handling functions with examples. 8M
b) Explain pointer arithmetic with examples. 7M
6. a) Write a C program to check wether the given string is palindrom or not? 6M
b) Describe any three functions associated with dynamic memory management in C. 9M

Unit – IV :
7. a) What are nested structures and how are they defined? Demonstrate them giving suitable example. 7M
b) Define a structure with the following fields: title of book, author name, number of pages, and publisher’s name. Write a C program to read 10 books data and print the details. 8M
8. a) What is union? Illustrate how a union member is accessed and also differentiate structure and union giving suitable example. 7M
b) Write a C program using a pointer to structure illustrating the initialization of the members in the structure. 8M

Unit – V :
9. a) Design a C program to create a file called emp.txt and store information about an employee like name, age and salary. 7M
b) What is a file? Describe the terms text file and binary file with respect to C. 8M
10. a) Explain briefly fseek() with suitable examples. 7M
b) Write a program to display file contents 20 lines at a time. The program should pause after displaying 20 lines until the user presses either Q to quit or Return to display the next 20 lines. The filename should be accepted from user and then process the file. 8M

B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations December – 2013 :
Regulations: VCE-R11
Computer Programming :
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date : 27 December, 2013
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only

Unit – I :
1. a) What do you mean by algorithm? Design a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers. 8M
b) What is an identifier? Highlight the different rules to be followed to write valid identifiers in C programming language. 7M

2. a) With the aid of a block diagram discuss the basic hardware units of a computer system. 12M
b) Let a ?15.0,b ? 6.0,c ? 4.0, x ? 3.0, y ? 4.0 , What is the result of the expression ?a ?5.5 ? 9.5? ?b ? c?&&? x ? y? ? 3M

Unit – II :
3. a) Define recursion, write a recursive function to count number of vowels in the user given string. 6M
b) A class is having N number of students. Each student is writing two Mid exams and two assignment test for five subjects. Max marks for each test / exam is 30 marks.Write a C program to find topper of the class based on total max obtained in all exam/test. Total marks can be calculated by taking 50% off both the Mid exam and 30% off both assessment test. 9M

4. a) Explain the following control statement with an example.
i) else if
ii) switch case 6M
b) Write a C program to read string from user to display the data in right angle triangle form, for example the given string is RADHA then the output should be
A A A A A 9M

Unit – III :
5. a) Explain the strcat() and strncat() library functions with the syntax and the example. 8M
b) Write a C program to read a set of characters using a pointer and to print it in the reverse order. 7M
6. a) Character strings in C are automatically terminated by NULL character. Explain how this feature helps in string manipulations. 7M
b) Define pointer. What would be printed from the following code?
void main()
{ int a[ ]={0,1,2,3,4}, *p[ ]={a,a+1,a+2,a+3,a+4}, **ptr=p;
**ptr++; *++*ptr;
++**ptr; 8M

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