MFW035 Marketing & Merchandising M.Sc Question Paper : ignou.ac.in

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Footwear Technology
Degree : M.Sc
Subject Code No /Name : MFW-035 : Marketing And Merchandising
Year : December, 2011 ; June, 2015 ; December, 2015 ; December, 2014
Home Page : ignou.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ignou.ac.in/6276-MFW-035.pdf

Marketing & Merchandising Question Paper :

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFT)
Term-End Examination :
MFW-035 :
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer any seven questions.

Related : IGNOU The People’s University MFW034 Polymer & DMS Sports Shoe Technology M.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6275.html

1.Explain the fashion life cycle with one product as 10 an example.
2.Explain the fashion elements from any fashion 10 capital of the world. How they are going to help merchandisers ?
3.Enumerate the various types of Merchandisers. 10 Explain any four in detail.
4.Write short notes on any two of the following. 2×5 =10
5.What is CRM (customer relationship 10 management) ? State the importance and evolution of CRM. Also mention the process of CRM.
6.Identify different management processes. Explain 10 the way the management process works. Explain with the help of suitable example.
7.What are the different basis or levels of 10 segmentation ? How segmentation forms a basis in Market Research and Consumer behaviour ?
8.Range building is an important activity in 10 footwear industry. Justify the statement. Give examples in support of your answer.

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
June, 2015 00320
BFWE-005 : Introduction To Marketing And Merchandising
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Draw and explain a detailed chart depicting fashion acceptance cycle, preferably of ladies high fashion footwear. 10
2. Explain the scope of marketing, with suitable examples. 10
3. Do values play any role in marketing ? Give examples in support of your answer. 10
4. How does a product life cycle in fashion industry affect the buying of a footwear ? Explain giving examples. 10
5. Explain the different roles of a manager in management processes. Give examples. 10
6. Compare and contrast urban fashion with rural fashion. Illustrate with at least five examples. 10
7. Explain the growth of footwear in a fashion industry perspective. 10

8. Define any five of the following : 5×2=10
(a) Classic
(b) Fad
(c) Mass fashion
(d) Culture
(e) Silhouette
(f) High fashion

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
December, 2014
BFWE-005 : Introduction To Marketing And Merchandising
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : All questions are compulsory.
1. Explain ‘Place Mix’ with the help of suitable examples. Also give the elements involved in it. 15
2. Explain the geo-demographic variables involved in segmentation of a population. 10
3. Explain the external environmental factors involved in marketing of a product. 10
4. Explain the theories of fashion adoption. 10
5. What is the difference between merchandising and marketing ? Who is a merchandiser ? What are his basic roles and responsibilities ? 15
6. Describe how designers and manufacturers affect fashion trends. 10

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
December, 2015
BFWE-005 : Introduction To Marketing And Merchandising
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain market segmentation. What is the basis of doing segmentation for Oxford shoes ? 10
2. “Kids’ demands affect fashion.” Justify the statement with examples. 10
3. “Planning and control are the twins of management.” Elaborate. Also explain the relationship between planning and control with suitable examples. 10
4. How do people, time and place affect the fashion industry ? Give examples in support of your answer. 10

5. Give the basis of segmentation for the following, giving suitable examples : 10
(a) Gamier hair colour
(b) Shahnaz herbal skin care products
(c) Liberty shoes
6. Discuss in detail the case of Bournvita and the values on which they categorise their product. 10
7. Explain different environmental factors involved in marketing of a product. Support your answer with the help of a suitable case. 10
8. Describe ‘Product Mix’ with the help of examples. Also give the elements involved in it. 10

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