MFW030 Marketing Management & Marketing Research M.Sc Question Paper : ignou.ac.in

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Footwear Technology
Degree : M.Sc
Subject Code/Name : MFW-030 : Marketing Management & Marketing Research
Year : December, 2011
Website : ignou.ac.in
Document Type : Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ignou.ac.in/6271-MFW-030.pdf

Marketing Management And Marketing Research Question Paper :

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
Term-End Examination :
MFW-030 :
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any seven questions in all.

Related : IGNOU The People’s University MFW029 Advanced Manufacturing Technique M.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6270.html

1. Explain the steps involved in strategic marketing planning.
2. Write short note on Any Two : 10
(a)BCG matrix.
(b)Anson product – market matrix.
(c)PEST Analysis
(d)Direct selling.
3. Explain the four major bases on which consumer market can be segmented.
4. What is the difference between Convenience product, shopping product, speciality product and unsought product ? Give examples of each.
5. What is advertising ? How it is different from publicity ? 10
6. Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research design. 10
7. Differentiate between primary and secondary data. Also explain their sources as well. 10
8. Write short notes on Any two : 10
(a)Telephone survey
(b)Observation method
(c)Quota sampling
(d)Semantic – differential scale.
9.Explain the different types of scales. Also explain 10 the criteria for a good scale.
10.Differentiate between probability and Non – 10 probability sampling.

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
June, 2015
MFW-030 : Marketing Management And Marketing Research
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define Marketing. Also explain marketer, prospect, product, service and ideas with the help of suitable examples. 10
2. Discuss the Ansoff’s product-market expansion matrix. 10
3. Explain how demographic and technological factors affect the organisation’s working. 10
4. Explain the process of developing a new product with the help of a suitable example. 10
5. Differentiate between publicity and sales promotion. 10
6. Describe skimming pricing and penetration pricing strategy. 10
7. Why is it important for a marketer to work on packaging and labelling ? 10
8. Explain exploratory and descriptive research design. E- 10
9. What is primary data ? How is it different from secondary data ? 10
10. What is sampling ? Explain any two types of sampling techniques. 10

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
004 41.. Term-End Examination
December, 2015
MFW-030 : Marketing Management And Marketing Research
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt any seven questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the steps involved in strategic marketing planning. 10
2. What are the different approaches of targetting ? Which approach is best suited for an organization ? 10
3. What is marketing channel ? Describe various types of marketing channels for achievingconsumer goals. 10
4. What is personal selling ? How is it different from direct selling ? Explain with suitable examples. 10
5. Explain how does a BCG matrix helps a marketer in allocation of resources. 10
6. Why is it important for a marketer to study the economic and demographic factors while taking decisions ? 10
7. Explain shopping goods and speciality goods with the help of an example. 10
8. Differentiate between probability and non-probability sampling. 10
9. Differentiate between primary data and secondary data in research activities. 10
10. What precautions should a researcher take while preparing a research report ? 10

M.Sc. Footwear Technology : (MSCFWT)
Term-End Examination
December, 2014
MFW-030 : Marketing Management And Marketing Research
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt any seven questions of the following. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe how technology and legal factors affect the marketing activities of a firm. 10
2. Explain the product market growth matrix with the help of an example. 10
3. What is the total market approach for selecting a target market ? When should this approach be used ? Give an example of a company that is using this approach. 10
4. In what ways do opinion leaders and family affect a purchase decision ? 10
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Convenience product
(b) Shopping product
(c) Speciality product
(d) Unsought product 4×21 = 10
6. Explain why a marketer should focus on packaging. What are the benefits of a good packaging ?
7. Describe the four types of marketing channels for consumer products. Give examples of products that are distributed through each of these different channels.
8. How is personal selling different from sales promotion ? 10
9. Define the term cognitive dissonance. Why is it important for a marketer to reduce the situation of cognitive dissonance ? 10

10. Define the following :
(a) Manufacturer Brand
(b) Private Brand
(c) Generic Brand Also give examples of each. 10

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