BFW044 Art of Public Speaking-I B.Sc Question Paper : ignou.ac.in

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Footwear Technology
Degree : B.Sc
Subject Code/Name : BFW-044 : Art Of Public Speaking – I
Year : December, 2011
Website : ignou.ac.in
Document Type : Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ignou.ac.in/6267-BFW-044.pdf

IGNOU Art Of Public Speaking – I Question Paper

B.Sc. Footwear Technology :(BSCFWT)
Term End Examination :
BFW-044 : Art Of Public Speaking – I
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt All Questions

Related : IGNOU The People’s University BFW043 Finishing-I B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6266.html

Model Questions

1. Attempt any five of the following. :
(a)How is evidence important for persuasive talking ?
(b)What is the importance of proper eye 6 contact while having face to face communication ?
(c)Differentiate between hearing and listening 6 in public speaking. What are the points to remember to become a successful public speaker ?

(d)Write ways to improve your body language. 6
(e)What are the key elements of making a 6 successful first impression ?
(f)A good leader should be a good orator. Give 6 your views on the same.

2.”Paralinguistic communication is concerned with 10 how words are spoken, i.e. the volume, the intonation and the speed”. Explain.
3.What are the two most important factors affecting 10 the credibility of a persuasive speaker ?
4.Describe the importance of good body language. 10 Mention at least three different types of gestures.
5.What is style in business communication ? Why it 10 is important ?

June, 2015

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination  :
BFW-044 : Art Of Public Speaking – I
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt all questions. All questions are compulsory.
1. Why is oral presentation becoming so important in business today ? 10
2. How can one handle a Question-Answer session effectively after a presentation ? Describe in detail. 20
3. What steps can one take to overcome stage-fear ? Describe in detail. 15
4. What do you understand by Audience Awareness ? Explain in detail. 15
5. What can a • speaker do to ensure that his speech is clear to the audience ? 10

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination

December 2015

BFW-044 : Art Of Public Speaking — I
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note • Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What steps can be taken to overcome stage-fear ? Describe in detail. 10
2. Explain the structure of a business presentation and its various important aspects. 10
3. What is the difference between personal conversation and public speaking ? Explain giving suitable examples. 10
4. Bring out the importance of verbal and non-verbal cues in enhancing the effectiveness of speech. 10
5. Describe the role of body language and posture in enhancing the effectiveness of speech. 10
6. What are the different audio-visual aids that can be used in business presentations ? Give their advantages. 10
7. What methods of communication systems can be effectively implemented by multinational firms ? Explain with the help of suitable examples. 10
8. With reference to a salesperson of any retail outlet, state all the factors related to the persuasive power of communication that makes a customer buy the product. 10

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination

December, 2014

BFW-044 : Art Of Public Speaking – I
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt all questions. All questions are compulsory.
1. Briefly explain the following terms (answer any five) : 5×6=30
(a) Kinesics
(b) Proxemics
(c) Extempore speech
(d) Paralinguistic aspects of a speech
(e) Alliteration
(f) Rule of Three
2. What preparations will you make before you have to appear for an interview ? 10
3. What factors would you consider while making a public speech, to create an effective impact ? 10
4. Bring out the importance of communicative skill in any professional correspondence. 10
5. Describe the role of body language and posture in enhancing the effectiveness in any face-to-face communication. 10

B.Sc. Footwear Technology : (BSCFWT)
Term-End Examination December, 2014 :
00210 BFWE-019 : Testing
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Standard notations and symbols have usual meaning.
1. Describe in detail the Resin Rubber and PVC Rubber Sole Testing. 10
2. Discuss precautions/safety measures used in Footwear Testing. 10
3. Describe the characteristics of PU sole with the help of suitable example. 10
4. Discuss the impact of total quality management on leather testing. 10
5. Define the following terms : 10
(a) SATRA TM —137
(b) ISO —11642
(c) ISO —11640
(d) ISO —11641

6. Calculate the tensile strength and elongation of a leather sample from the following data : 10
Load = 500 N
Width = 10 mm
Thickness = 2 mm
Initial length = 50 mm
Final length = 75 mm

7. Write short notes on the following : 10
(a) Shrinkage
(b) Split tear
(c) Sole tear
(d) Compression set

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