G12E09 Industrial Electronics DECE Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : PSG Polytechnic College
Degree :DECE (Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Semester : V
Subject : G12E09 Industrial Electronics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6243-G12E09.pdf

PSG Industrial Electronics Question Paper

Instructions :

Related : PSG Polytechnic College G12502 Embedded System DECE Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6245.html

1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.
3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

November 2014

G12E09 Industrial Electronics
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 = 30

1. Draw the constructional diagram of a Thyristor.
2. Define the terms Latching current and Holding current of a Thyristor.
3. List the applications of Thyristors.
4. Explain briefly the function of a dual converter

5. What is the importance of fly wheel diode in a converter circuit-
6. Mention the applications of Inverters.
7. State the laws of Robotic.

8. Define resolution and repeatability of a manipulator.
9. Differentiate between proximity sensors and limit switches.
10. How does Ultrasonic oscillator work-
11. Explain the step by step procedure in soldering.

12. How do you design a saw filter-
13. Draw the block diagram of a PLC and mention the name of each part.
14. What are the types of counters available in PLC and explain any one.
15. Develop a Relay Ladder Logic for Interlocking circuit.

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16.a)i) Explain the two transistor analogy of SCR with neat diagrams. (7)
ii) Illustrate different types of SCR triggering. (7)
b)i) What do you mean by Commutation of SCR? List the types of Commutation techniques. (7)
ii) Describe the series and parallel operation of SCR with relevant diagrams. (7)

17. a)i)Draw and explain single phase semi converter with R load. (7)
ii)Construct single phase dual converter and explain with neat graphs. (7)
b) How to obtain sine wave output from inverter? Explain each technique in detail.

18.a)i) Write the fundamental concepts of Robotics. (7)
ii) Explain the Robot anatomy. (7)
b)i)Discuss the working principle of encoder with neat diagrams. (7)
ii)How Tacho generator and tactile sensor are used in industrial applications. Explain in detail. (7)

19.a)i) Explain the working principle of SONAR. (7)
ii) Illustrate the drilling process in an industry (7)
b)List the medical applications of different types of sensors with necessary diagrams.

20. a)i)Discuss the evaluation of PLCs. (7)
ii) Develop RLL for Car Parking Control. (7)
b)i)Draw and explain the block diagram of PLC. (7)
ii) Develop RLL for Star/Delta Starter. (7)

Antennas & Microwave Engineering

1. What is the Radiation resistance of an antenna it radiates a power of 120w and the current in it is 10amps.
2. Is antenna a transducer- Justify your answer.
3. How the EM wave radiation is done through the single wire-
4. How to analyze the regions of log-periodic antenna-

5. Calculate the λ and tilt angle of Rhombic antenna to operate at 20MHz if the elevation angle is 200.
6. What are the microwave antennas? Mention the advantages of the microwave antennas.

7. How does the transit time effect affect the high frequency amplifying devices?
8. List the application and limitations of the reflex klystron.
9. How does the function of the magnetic field in a TWT differ from its function in a magnetron?

10. Discuss the high frequency limitation of transistor comparing with vacuum tubes.
11. What are the types of parametric amplifier?
12. Using energy band diagrams, mention the tunnel diode characteristics.

13. Calculate the VSWR in db in a waveguide when the load is 3dB.
14. Mention the salient features of magic tee.
15. What are the components required for measuring the microwave frequencies?

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) Find the directivity ,efficiency & effective area of an antenna if its Rr=80Ω,Rl=10Ω,power gain is 10dB & antenna operates at a frequency of 100MHz.
b) Give the expression for the following
1) Radiation pattern 2) Beam solid angle 3) Beam width
4) Directivity 5) Effective aperture

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