Z12E02 Dot Net Programming DCS Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : PSG Polytechnic College
Degree : DCS (Diploma in Computer Science)
Semester : V
Subject : Z12E02 Dot Net Programming
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6234-Z12E02.pdf

PSG Dot Net Programming Question Paper


Related : PSG Polytechnic College Z12502 Microprocessor & Its Applications DCS Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6236.html


1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.
3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

Z12E02 Dot Net Programming
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Group – A

Marks : 10 x 3 = 30
1. List the limitations of static web page
2. What is the base class of DotNet- Write its uses.
3. How will you use web controls to a page in ASP.Net-

4. What is Namespaces in DotNet? Write the format of declaring a namespace in VB.Net. Point the advantage of namespace.
5. Sketch a home page for a college which contains text, image and hyperlinks.

6. State the use of HTMLTEXTAREA, HTMLANCHOR, HTMLIMAGE controls.
7. Tabulate the difference between Data Reader and Dataset.
8. What are connection object and command object? Give examples.

9. Discuss the logical errors that may occur in a program?
10. Write a query to update a table named employee with fields employee_number, name, mobile_number, where the condition is to change the already existing mobile_number of employee_number=14.

11. Describe the usage of dataset, datatable and datarow object.
12. What is the role of DataAdapter in a disconnected data environment?
13. How is a browser detected automatically?

14. Differentiate the following types of errors i) Syntax error ii) Logical error
iii) System error.
15. State the use of ERR object and On Error statement.

Group– B

Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) i) Illustrate the method of creating a dynamic web page. (5)
ii) Explain the web server concepts in fetching a page through browser (9)
b) i) Specify the steps involved in inserting ASP.NET code into web pages. (7)
ii) Write the code to create a user information form using HTML. Draw the corresponding output of the written program. (7)

17. a) i) Discuss the concept of web server. (7)
ii) Write a program that elaborates Button server control events with example. (7)
b) i) Describe the properties of a page class. (6)
ii) Illustrate onload, onclick and onmouseover, onsubmit HTML events with suitable example. (8)

18. a) i) Explain about connection object and command object. (7)
ii) Describe about direct SQL commands. (7)
b) i) Illustrate the groups of ADO.NET objects and its functionalities (6)
ii). List the parameters of Data catching. Discuss how catch object is useful to add or remove an item from the catch collection. (8)

19. a) i) Write in detail about ASP.NET core object. (7)
ii) Discuss the basic methods of data object. (7)

b) i) Using HTML server controls draw the output screen and write the coding for a page which includes name, address, occupation, and salary of a user? (7)
ii) Write a program which displays an error message when a number is divided by zero. Draw the output screen with error message. (7)

20. a) i) Draw and explain Page life cycle in ASP.NET. (7)
ii) Discuss unstructured error handling in detail with examples. (7)
b) i) How will you catch the errors? Explain with suitable examples. (7)
ii) How will you create an ADO.NET application? Explain with suitable examples. (7)

Software Engineering Question Paper

1. What is software engineering- What are the phases in software engineering-
2. Discuss the need for software engineering-
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping model-

4. How to capture the requirement for the process-
5. Differentiate functional and non-functional requirements-
6. Design the state transition diagram for ATM machine-

7. Discuss the design principle for software-
8. What is coupling and list out the types of coupling-
9. What is functional cohesion and sequential cohesion-
10. Compare and contrast white box testing and black box testing-

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