Z12403 Pc Hardware & Peripherals DCS Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : Psg Polytechnic College
Degree : DCS (Diploma in Computer Science)
Semester : IV
Subject : Z12403 Pc Hardware & Peripherals
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6216-z12403.pdf

PC Hardware & Peripherals Question Paper :

Instructions :
1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.

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3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

Z12403 Pc Hardware And Peripherals
Model Question Paper
Tim : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 =30

1. Give the specifications of PCI bus standard.
2. What is the purpose of power good signal in SMPS-
3. Write two output connectors and the devices connected to them.

4. Mention the types of RAM Packages.
5. Draw game port and show the signals.
6. Write the full form of CD-ROM and CD-RW.

7. How does the cache memory improve system performance-
8. Mention the types of hard disk drive interfaces.
9. Name any two input devices used for capturing images.

10. What are the parts of LCD Monitor-
11. Define online and offline modes of printer.
12. The print from a dot matrix printer is sometimes light and sometimes dark. What is the most likely problem-

13. List any four beep codes along with their significance.
14. What is flicker- How does it occur in monitor-
15. Write any four functions performed by CHECKIT.

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) Describe about major components of motherboard with the neat layout (OR)
b) i) How does BIOS works with the computer’s hardware when the computer is turned on? (5)
ii) Explain the features of following bus standards (9)

17. a) i) Write about any two latest RAM technologies in brief. (6)
ii) Explain the concept of i) Virtual memory ii) Extended memory (8)
b) i) Draw the block diagram of sound blaster card and explain its working. (6)
ii) Describe about Universal serial bus with necessary diagrams. (8)

18. a) Draw the interfacing diagram of HDC to HDD. Show and explain the use of any four signals.
b) i) Write shortly about Tracks, sectors and cylinders in hard disk. (5)
ii) When would you prefer to use MO drive and Zip drives? Give their technical Specification. (9)

19. a) Explain the working of CRT controller with a neat sketch. Also Compare CRT and Plasma monitor.
b) i) Describe the principle of operation of MODEM. (5)
ii) Identify the hardware device used for the following jobs and state their advantages: 1) To transfer a photograph from paper to computer.

2) To print high quality of text and graphics.
3) To work with windows operating system without touching the keyboard. (9)

20. a) i) Explain the use of antivirus software and UPS in protecting the PC. (5)
ii) If you view an image in a resolution of 640×480 on 13 inch monitor and a 20 inch monitor, the picture on which monitor will appear sharper? Why? (9)
b) Explain the working of laser printer with its block diagram.

Computer Organization Question Paper :
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 = 30
1. Convert the given octal number (237)8 into decimal, hexadecimal
2. State the one variable Boolean theorem.
3. Differentiate positive and negative logic system.
4. Simplify : a) AB (A + B)(B + B),
b) [(X+Y).(XZ+YZ)]+[(XZ).(YX+Z)]

5. Which gates are called universal gates? Why are they called so?
6. Design Ex-OR gate using basic gates.
7. Differentiate SOP and POS.
8. Draw the logic diagram and truth table for half subtractor.

9. Can a demultiplexer be used as a decoder? Justify your answer.
10. Differentiate edge triggering and level triggering.
11. Why is D flip flop preferred over RS flip flop? Write the truth table of D flip flop.

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