E12404 Measuring Instrument & Instrumentation DEEE Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : Psg Polytechnic College
Degree : DEEE (Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Semester : IV Sem
Year : II Year
Subject : E12404 Measuring Instrument & Instrumentation
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6215-e12404M&I.pdf

Measuring Instrument Question Paper

E12404 Measuring Instrument And Instrumentation

Related : PSG Polytechnic College E12402 Ac Machines DEEE Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6210.html


1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries two marks.

3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100

Group – A

Marks : 10 x 3 = 30
1. Define Secondary instrument. Give an example.
2. Define the terms sensitivity and precision.
3. What is the control system and damping system in instrument-
4. What are the errors in wattmeter reading-
5. What is meant by creeping-
6. What is meant by Instrument Transformer-
7. How is an ammeter calibrated-
8. What are the types of testing conducted in energy meter-
9. What is the difference between Kelvin’s bridge and Wheatstone bridge-
10. What is meant by Transducer-
11. State the difference between Thermistor and Thermocouple.
12. What is a Limit Switch-
13. Mention the instrument used to measure pressure and speed.
14. What is meant by actuator-
15.What is the purpose of signal conditioning unit-

Group – B

Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) i) Draw and explain Air friction Damping. (5)
ii) Explain Dynamometer type Ammeter. (9)
b) i) Draw and explain the PMMC instrument. (5)
ii) Explain the methods to increase the range of an ammeter and voltmeter. (9)

17. a) i) Draw and explain an Induction type Wattmeter. (5)
ii) How does Dynamometer type Wattmeter work? Explain in brief. (9)
b) i) How does an induction type Energy meter work? Explain in brief. (5)
ii) Draw and explain Maximum demand indicator. (9)

18. a) i) Draw and explain the Kelvin’s bridge. (5)
ii) Explain Wheatstone bridge with a neat sketch (9)
b) i) Draw and explain the Meggar. (5)
ii) Illustrate the working of X-Y Recorder with relevant diagrams. (9)

19. a) i) Draw and explain a Strain gauge. (5)
ii) Discuss the working of LVDT with necessary diagrams. (9)
b) i) Draw and explain Thermocouple. (5)
ii) Discuss in brief about a Limit switch. (9)

20. a) i) Explain a method to measure pressure. (5)
ii) Draw and explain the method of measuring liquid level. (9)
b) i) Draw and explain to measure the speed. (5)
ii) Explain to measure light intensity. (9)

E12304 Electronics Model Question Paper :
: 3 Hours
Max.Marks : 100
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 = 30
1. Draw the V-I Characteristics of PN junction Diode.
2. Give any two differences between JEFT and MOSFET.
3. What is LED- What materials are used to construct an LED-

4. Define rectifiers and its types.
5. What are the types of Filters-
6. Draw the block diagram of Regulated Power Suppy.

7. What is Differential Amplifier-
8. Draw the circuit diagram of RC Coupled Amplifier.
9. Define Positive Feedback and Negative Feedback.
10. State Barkhausen Criteria.

11. List the applications of Crystal Oscillator.
12. Limitations of LC and RC Oscillator.
13. Sketch the Clamper circuit using Diodes.
14. What are the difference between the output from a Clipper and a Clamper?
15. What is an Operational Amplifier (OP-AMP)-

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) [i] Briefly explain about Avalanche and Zener Breakdown. (7)
[ii] Explain principle of working of npn transistor with diagram. (7)
b) [i] Write short notes on LDR and Photodiode. (7)
[ii] Explain working principle of UJT and Draw the Characteristics of UJT. (7)

17. a) Explain the principle of operation of a Full wave Bridge rectifier with a neat circuit.
b) [i] What need for regulated power supply? (5)
[ii] Explain how Zener diode acts as a Voltage Regulator. (9)

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