E12403 Digital Electronics DEEE Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : Psg Polytechnic College
Degree : DEEE (Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Semester : IV
Subject : E12403 Digital Electronics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6208-e12403_de.pdf

Digital Electronics Question Paper :

Instructions :

Related : PSG Polytechnic College G12304 Analog Communication DECE Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6204.html

1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries two marks.
3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.

E12403 Digital Electronics
Time : 3 Hours
Max.Marks : 100
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 = 30

1. Write the advantages of digital system over analog system.
2. Perform the following conversions :
(i) Decimal number 5789 to Hexadecimal, Octal numbers.
(ii) 1132 octal number to Decimal, Hexadecimal numbers.

3. What are characteristics of TTL-
4. What is an ASCII code- Give an example.
5. Draw Encoders and Decoders block diagram. What are their applications-

6. Draw a seven segment Decoder diagram
7. What is a parity bit- Give applications of parity bit.
8. Define Half adder and Full adder.
9. What is a Scmitt trigger-

10. Define Flip-Flop. What is the principle of SR Flip-Flop-
11. Convert the following Flip Flops (a) SR to JK (b)JK to T (c)JK to D
12. What are counters and Registers- Mention their applications.
13. Define ADC. What are the types of ADC-

14. In a 8 bit DAC, the weight of LSB is 0.010V. What is the voltage for the following words-
(a)1111 1111 (b)1001 1001
15. What is a R-2R ladder network- Draw its diagram.

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) i) State and explain De-Morgans theorems. (5)
ii) What are Universal Gates? Explain why it is called so. (9)
b) i) Using K-Map simplify f(A,B,C)=Σ0,1,2,3,5 . (5)
ii) Using K-Map simplify f(A,B,C,D)=Σ 2,5,7,11,13,15. (9)

17.a) i) What is a Multiplexer? With a diagram explain it. (5)
ii) What is a De-Multiplexer? With a diagram explain it. (9)
b) i) With a diagram explain the operation of a BCD to decimal decoder. (5)
ii) With a diagram explain a decimal to BCD Encoder. (9)

18.a) i) Explain the operation of a 4 bit parallel adder. (5)
ii) Explain the operation of a 4 bit parallel subtractor. (9)
b) i) Draw and explain an Odd parity Generator. (5)
ii) Explain the operation of a Digital Magnitude Comparator. (9)

19. a) i) Draw a 3 bit binary ripple counter and explain its operation. (5)
ii) Draw a Decade counter and explain it. (9)
b) i) Draw a Serial in Serial out register and explain. (5)
ii) Draw a Parallel in-Serial out register and explain. (9)

20 a) i) Define accuracy and resolution. (5)
ii) Draw a 3 bit Flash type ADC and explain. (9)
b) i) What is a weighted resistor network? Explain. (5)
ii) Draw a DAC and explain its operation.

G12E09 Industrial Electronics :
: 3 Hours
Max.Marks : 100
Group – A :
Marks : 10 x 3 = 30

1. Draw the constructional diagram of a Thyristor.
2. Define the terms Latching current and Holding current of a Thyristor.
3. List the applications of Thyristors.
4. Explain briefly the function of a dual converter
5. What is the importance of fly wheel diode in a converter circuit-
6. Mention the applications of Inverters.
7. State the laws of Robotic.
8. Define resolution and repeatability of a manipulator.
9. Differentiate between proximity sensors and limit switches.
10. How does Ultrasonic oscillator work-
11. Explain the step by step procedure in soldering.
12. How do you design a saw filter-
13. Draw the block diagram of a PLC and mention the name of each part.
14. What are the types of counters available in PLC and explain any one.
15. Develop a Relay Ladder Logic for Interlocking circuit.

Group– B Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16.a)i) Explain the two transistor analogy of SCR with neat diagrams. (7)
ii) Illustrate different types of SCR triggering. (7)
b)i) What do you mean by Commutation of SCR-
List the types of Commutation techniques. (7)
ii) Describe the series and parallel operation of SCR with relevant


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