G12304 Analog Communication DECE Question Paper Model : psgpolytech.ac.in

College : Psg Polytechnic College
Degree :DECE (Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Semester : III
Subject : G12304 Analog Communication
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : psgpolytech.ac.in

Download Model/ Sample Question Papers :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/psgpolytech.ac.in/6204-G12304%20%20Analog%20communication.pdf

Analog Communication Question Paper :

Instructions :
1. Group A and Group B questions should be answered in the Main Answer book.
2. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.

Related : PSG Polytechnic College G12303 Digital Logic Design DECE Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6206.html

3. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each question carries 14 marks.
G12304 Analog Communication
Model Question Paper
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100
Group – A Marks : 10 x 3 = 30

1. What are the elements of communication-
2. The carrier performs certain functions in radio communications. What are they?
3. Mention the methods of communication.

4. Derive the relation between the output power of an AM transmitter and depth of Modulation.
5. Find the modulation index for the modulated wave whose carrier signal maximum amplitude is twice the message signal. Modulating signal amplitude is 15v.

6. Discuss the merits and demerits of SSB
7. Find the carrier and modulating frequencies, modulation index and maximum deviation of the FM wave represented by v=12sin(6*108 t+ 5 sin1250t)

8. Describe frequency and phase modulation, by giving mechanical analogies for each.
9. What is the pre-emphasis & list its uses?
10. What are the functions fulfilled by the intermediate frequency amplifier in a radio receiver.

11. What is simple automatic gain control?
12. Mention the types of transmitter.
13. A lossless transmission line has a shunt capacitance of 100pf/m and a series inductance of 4uh/m. What its characteristics impedance?

14. Define the term power density.
15. Define the length of the antenna operating at a frequency of 500Hz.

Group– B :
Marks : 5 x 14 = 70
16. a) Describe the functions of a radio transmitter and the corresponding functions of the receiver with neat diagram.
b) Define the modulation and explain the need for modulation.

17. a) Explain with the aid of waveforms, how a grid –Modulated class C amplifiers generates Amplitude modulation.
b) Derive the expression for the Amplitude modulation.

18. a) Draw the complete diagram of the Armstrong frequency modulation system and explain the functions of the each block.
b) Derive the Expression and draw the wave form of frequency modulation.

19. a) With the neat diagram explain how amplitude modulation will be done using balanced Modulator
b) Briefly explain the function of each of the blocks in the superheterodyne receiver.

20. a) Draw the transmission line equivalent circuits and derive the transmission line equation.
b) i) What is meant by elementary doublet? How does it differ from the infinitesimal dipole? (6)
ii) Explain fully what is meant by the term resonant antenna. (8)

Analog Electronics DECE Question Paper :
1. Draw the ideal schematic and block diagram of OP-AMP.
2. List the ideal characteristics of OP-AMP
3. List the non-ideal DC characteristics of OP-AMP

4. Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier using OP-AMP and mention the need of precision diode.
5. Draw the Sample and Hold circuit using OP-AMP and list the type and material of capacitor used.

6. Design an Adder/subtractor circuit using OP-AMP.
7. Draw the zero crossing detector circuit and mention its importance.
8. Determine the threshold voltages VUT and VLT of a Schmitt trigger whose R2=100 Ohm, R1 = 50KOhm, Vref = 0V, Vi= 1 Vpp sine wave and saturation voltage = (+/- 14)V,

9. With the use of OP-AMP, design a triangular wave form generator.
10. Draw the series OP-AMP regulator circuit and mention its uses
11. Draw the 723 general purpose regulators
12. Draw and mention the uses of variable resistive network.

13. Draw the functional block diagram of 555 IC
14. In the monostable multivibrator R=100 Kohm and the time delay T=100mS.Calculate the value of C.
15. List the applications of mono stable mode.

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