Spoken English M.A Question Paper : tnou.ac.in

University : Tamil Nadu Open University
Degree : M.A
Department : English
Year : II
Subject : Spoken English
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : tnou.ac.in

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TNOU Spoken English Sample Question

(AY 2004-05 onwards)
Second Year English Spoken English
Time : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 75

Related : Tamil Nadu Open University Business Organisation B.B.A Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/5712.html

I. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 50 words each :
1. Explain the respiratory system.
2. What is a consonant-
3. Write a note on the syllable in English.
4. Mention five examples of monophthongs.
5. Divide the following words into syllables :
(a) Elephant. (bTable.(c)Computerization. (d)Voluntary.(e)Rendezvous.

II. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 150 words each :
6. Describe the speech mechanism.
7. What is a phoneme-
8. Write a description of vowels.
9. Explain word stress in English.
10. What are the uses of tones-

III. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 300 words each

11. Write an essay on the classification of consonants.
12. What are the forms and functions of intonation-
13. Make a broad phonetic transcription of the following passage and mark the stress wherever necessary :
‘I no longer wish to live, holy man,’ Martin said. ‘All I ask of God is that I soon may die. I am now quite without hope in the world.’
The old man replied : ‘You have no right to say such things, Martin. We cannot judge God’s ways. Not our reasoning, but God’s will decides. If God willed that your son should die and you should live, it must be best so. As to your despair-that comes because you wish to live for your own happiness’.
‘What else should one live for- asked Martin.
‘For God, Martin,’ said the old man. ‘He gives you life, and you must live for him. When you have learnt to live for Him, you will grieve no more, and all will seem easy to you.’

Women’S Writing In English

Time : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 75
I. Answer any THREE of the following in about 50 words each. (3 * 5 = 15)
1. Explain the term “Angel in the House”.
2. Describe the term Gyno criticism.
3. What does Elaine Showalter say about “Woman as reader” and “Woman as writer”?
4. What does Bronte say about female independence in Jane Eyre?
5. Comment on the resistance perspective of Maha Sweta Devi in her plays.

II. Answer any THREE of the following in about 150 words each. (3 * 10 = 30)
6. Write a note on Virginia Woolf as a literary critic.
7. ‘The Mad Woman in the Attic’ aims to provide the reader an elaborate new theory of women’s literary creativity – Discuss.
8. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics had a powerful political impact on a world-wide audience inside and outside the women’s movement – Discuss.
9. Describe the metaphors used in the poem “Big march 1983”.
10. Write about women and women experiences in Marsha Norman’s “Night Mother”.

III. Answer any TWO of the following in about 300 words each. (2 * 15 = 30)
11. Write an essay on Elaine Showalter’s “Towards a feminist poetics”.
12. Describe how Brooks expresses her concern for black through “Sadie and Maud”.
13. Explain the central theme of “Nectar in the Sieve”.

American Literature

Time : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 75
I. Answer any THREE of the following in about 50 words. : (3 * 5 = 15)
1. Write a short note on the American Revolution.
2. Comment on the life and poetry of Walt Whitman.
3. Why was Robert Frost called as ‘Country Poet’– Give reasons.
4. Give a short note on Eugene O’ Neil.
5. Explain the concept of transcendentalism?

II. Answer any THREE of the following in about 150 words each. : (3 * 10 = 30)
6. Write an appreciation of ‘‘O captain! My Captain!’’
7. How does Lowell describe the decay of New England civilization in ‘‘Skunk wbur’’?
8. Comment on Engene O Neill’s exploitation of the expressionist technique in his plays.
9. Consider Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf as an absurd drama?
10. Sketch the character of Cecile in The Colour Purple.

III. Answer any TWO of the following in about 300 words each. : (2 * 15 = 30)
11. Discuss the theme of Frost’s ‘‘Home Burial’’.
12. The struggle between the individual and the group is the central theme in the novel The Age of Innocence – Discuss.
13. Bring out the autobiographical element in the play ‘The Glass Menagerie’?

Categories: English
Tags: tnou.ac.in
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