Supply Chain Management M.B.A Question Paper : iimm.org

Organisation : Indian Institute Of Materials Management
Degree : M.B.A
Course : Supply Chain Management
Document type : Question Paper
Website : iimm.org

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IIMMSupply Chain Management Question Paper

MBA (Supply Chain Management)
SUBJECT: Managerial Functions &
Organization Behaviour
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75

Section – A

Answer the following questions (each question carries 2 marks) (5X2=10)
1. a. Division of Work?
b. Who is a Manager
c. Define operational plans?
d. Explain management by objectives?
e. Define in nutshell types of strategies?


Answer any five questions. (Each carries 6 marks) (6X5=30)
1.What is more beneficial for an organization – a charismatic authority or a technical authority & why?
2. Explain the detail forms of organization.
3. The organization success depends upon the extent of co-ordination, how it helps organization in different ways?
4. Explain in detail about centralization, decentralization, what are its advantages & disadvantages to the organization?
5. What are the steps to be followed by the management to develop a high delegation?
6. What do you see as the essential elements of high delegation?
7. As a HR manager will you prefer the scheme of employee referrals in your organization? If, yes in which situations If no, why not?


Answer any two questions. (Each carries 10 marks) (10X2=20)
1. What would help to do your job better and provide greater job satisfaction?
2. Illustrate through example how is human personality influenced by situational factors?
3. How do the family and peer group of a person determine his/her social behavior?
4. Which do you think to be more conducive for development of your organization theory X or theory Y & why?

Section – D :
Answer any one question. (1X15=15)

5. How do you feel or think that team can earn from the nominal group technique?
6. Explain various types of intra-individual conflicts.

May 2012

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer the following questions Each Carries 2 Marks. (2×5=10)

a. What is interenet Banking?
b. What is cash Flow?
c. Define Monoploy?
d. What is Trading Block ?
e. Define Demand ?

Answer any five questions .Each carries Six Marks (6×5=30)

1. Effect of Globalisation on Indian Economy ?
2. Pricing in different market conditions?
3. Briefly state Different Type of Depreciation ?
4. Reasons for diminishing returns .?
5. Write about Difference between fund flow and cash flow
6. What is Bipolar World ?
7. What are Methods of Financial Analysis?

Answer any two questions. Each carries 10marks (2X10=20)

1. a) Types of unemployment. b)Trend analysis. c)Elements of Cost d)Debt service ratio.
2. Differenciate between Cash and Accrual System of Accounting ?
3. If the current ratio is 2.6 and current liabilities are Rs.40,000 find out current Assets ?
4. Explain role of Banks in Indian Economy

Answer any one question (1X15=15)
1. From the following prepare Tading, profit and Loss account and Balance sheet Reliance Manufaturing Co. co as on 31.03.2013
Debit Credit :
Capital 2,00,000
Drawings 50,000
Machinery 65,000
Furniture 40,000
Sales 5,00,000
Purchase 2,66,000
Sundry Debtors 1, 40,500
Sundry Creditors 45,110

2. Pass Journal entries for the following transactions. :
a) Paid Salary of Rs.15,000/ by cash
b) Purchased goods on credit for Rs.32,000
c) Sold goods for cash to A for Rs.33,000
d) Received cheque from A for Rs.33,000
e) Purchased Machinery on credit from B for Rs.50.000

August 2013

Semester-1 Examination:
Paper Code: Mb05
Subject: Human Resource Management
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Section- A :
Answer any five questions : (2X5=10)
1. Maternity benefits
2. Define workman under Industrial Disputes Act?
3. Selection Tests
4. Preliminary Interview ?
5. Management of Stress
6. Types of Interview.

Section-B :
Answer any Five Questions : (7X5=35)
1. Explain the needs and methods of communication?
2. Distinguish Management Vs Leadership
3. Write about Induction Process .
4. What are the provisions under the Factory Act regarding Workers safety ?
5. Write about the provision regarding protection of women and child workers?
6. Write about Employee counseling ?

Section – C :
Answer any two questions : (10X2=20)
1. Explain in detail about the collective bargaining?
2. How Formal and informal groups in the organisation affect the work?.
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of job rotation?

Section –D :
Mr.Ranjan Kumar is the Managing Director of a soaps manufacturing company. To increase sales, the Board of Directors wanted to start a full-fledged marketing department. Mr.Kumar is entrusted with the task of finding a suitable, candidate to head the proposed marketing department. After considering a number of candidates he has narrowed down his choice to two persons: Vishwanth Dutt and Rajnarain.

Answer the following questions : ( 5X2=10)
1.Analyse the leadership qualities and styles of Mr. Dutt and Mr.Rajnarain.
2. Between the two people , whom would you recommend for the position of a marketing manager? And Why?

Categories: Business Studies
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