apopenschool.org : Senior Secondary Chemistry Question Paper Model AP Open School Society

Board : Andhra Pradesh Open School Societ
Exam : Senior Secondary Chemistry
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : apopenschool.org

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Chemistry Question Paper :

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : AP Open School Society Senior Secondary Physics Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/6078.html

Note : Answer all questions. 2 x 13 = 26 Marks
1. Define mole.
2. How many moles of ammonia are present in 170 gm. sample of ammonia ?
3. Draw the diagrams of ‘s’ and ‘p’ orbitals.
4. Explain why Dalton’s law is not applicable to a system of NH3 and Hcl.
5. What is the effect of temperature on vapour pressure of a liquid ?

6. Which of the following will increase the internal energy of the system ? Give reasons
a. Heat given to the system.
b. Work done on the system.
7. Identify Lewis acids and bases from the following
a. NH 3.
b. OH –.
c. BF 3.
d. Al+3

8. What is nitrolim ?
9. How do you restore the colour of old paintings ?
10. Draw the cyclic structure for α – d – glucose and β – d – glucose.
11. Carbon gets into the environment from dead organic matter. Justify.
12. Mention the causes for minamata disease. Write any two of its symptoms.
13. Identify the hybridisation of each of the carbon atom mentioned as 1,2,3 in CH2 = C2 = CH2.

Section – B :
Note : Answer any Six of the following 5 x 6 = 30 Marks
14. 7.3 gm of H2 and 53.4 gm of O2 are mixed and reacted. Calculate the weight of H2O formed in grams.
15. Explain the following with suitable examples:
a. Schottky defect
b. Frenkel defect

16. Define the following
a. Heat of combustion
b. Heat of formation
17. Compare the properties of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals with respect to
a. Atomic radius
b. Ionization energy
c. Electro negativity

18. Calculate the magnetic moment of metals in the following complex ions.
a. [Co (NH3)4 Cl2]+.
b. [Cr (NH3)6]+3.

19. Identify the functional group present in the following compound and write IUPAC names of each compound.
a. CH3 CH2 OH
c. CH3 CH2 Cl
d. CH3 CONH2.
e. CH3 CHO.

20. ‘Any disturbance in the concentration of the constituents of the air cause pollution’. Justify your answer.
21. Basing on the application of the dyes, distinguish between acid dyes and basic dyes.

Section – C :
Note : Answer any Three of the following 8 x 3 = 24 Marks
22. What are the quantum numbers. Write the significance of quantum numbers.
23. What is hybridisation ? Discuss the hybridisation involved in the following examples.
a. C2H2.
b. C2H4.
c. CH4.

24. Apply the α – chateliers principle in manufacture of ammonia from the following equilibrium.
N2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) 2NH 3 (g); & H = -92 KJ
25. Classify the following hydrocarbons as alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Write their IUPAC names.
a. (CH3)3CH.
b. CH3 CH.CH2.
c. (CH3) 4 C.
d. CH3 C.CH
e. CH3 C.C. CH3.
f. CH2 CH 2 .

Model Question Paper – Set – I :
Chemistry – Scheme of Evaluation
Very Short Answer Questions
1. Definition 2 Marks
2. Atomic weights of N & H 1 Mark Calculation 1 Mark
3. Diagrams Spherical 1 Mark Dumbel 1 Mark

4. Application of dalton’s law Applicable 1 Mark NH3 & HCl non applicable 1 Mark
5. Temperature increases – the vapour Pressure of the liquid increases 2 Marks

6. a) Heat given to the system. Correct 1 Mark
b) Work done on the system. Reason 1 Mark
7. Lewis acid Al+3, BF3 1 Mark Lewis base NH3 Cl- 1 Mark
8. CaCN2 + C 2 Marks

9. PbS + 4 H2O2 -> PbSO4 + 4 H2O 2 Marks
10. Structure of – d glucose 1 Mark
11. Decay of Organic matter 2 Marks
12. Cause for desease 1 Mark two Symptoms 1 Mark

13. 1st C SP2 2 Marks
14. Equation 1 Mark Mentioning moles 1 Mark Calculation 2 Marks Answer 1 Mark
15. a) Shotky defect b) Frankel defect Definitions 2 Marks Examples & Explanations (1 ½ + 1 ½ ) 3 Marks

16. Heat of Combustion 2 ½ Mark Heat of formation 2 ½ Mark
17. a) decreases in period 2 Marks
b) increases in period (1 ½ + 1 ½ ) 3 Marks
18. a) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+ b) [Cr(NH3)6]+3 2 ½ Marks each

19. Functional group Identification 2 ½ Marks IUPAC names 2 ½ Marks
20. Any five pollutants 5 Marks
21. Application of the Acid dyes 2 ½ Marks Application of the basic dyes 2 ½ Marks

Long Answer Questions :
22. Writing four Quantum numbers 2 Marks Brief explanation of each question (1 ½ x 4 = 6 Marks)
23. Definition 2 Marks
C2H2 – SP hybridization 2 Marks
C2H4 – SP2 hybridization 2 Marks
CH4 – SP3 hybridization 2 Marks

24. Principle 1 Mark
Change in Concentration 2 Marks
Change in Pressure 2 Marks
Change in temperature 2 Marks
Favourable Conditions 1 Mark

25. General formula 1 ½ Mark Identifying the no. of carbons and no. of Hydrogen atoms 1 ½ Mark Apply the formulae 3 Marks IUPAC Names 2 Marks

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