Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnosis Diploma Question Paper : annamalaiuniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Annamalai University
Department : Maintenance Engineering And Management
Degree : Diploma
Subject Name : Condition Monitoring And Fault Diagnosis
Website : annamalaiuniversity.ac.in
Document Type : Old Question Paper

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December 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-dec2013-7773.pdf
May 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-may2013-7661.doc
May 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-may2012-7441.doc
December 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-dec2011-7441.doc
May 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-may2011-3431.doc
December 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/6079-dec2010-7231.doc

Annamalai Condition Monitoring Question Paper

Diploma Examination, 2010 : (Maitenance Engineering And Management)
Time : 3 Hours

Related : Annamalai University Principles of Industrial Maintenance Diploma Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6076.html

Maximum : 100 Marks

Set – I

Answer any FIVE questions :
1. a) State and describe any two instruments for analysis using radiation and electrical properties. (10)
b) Discuss the methodology to diagnose resonance and misalignment. (10)

2. a) Discuss how noise measurement and vibration can be used as effective tools for the condition monitoring of machinery. (10)
b) Explain how surface and sub-surface flaws can be diagnosed. (10)

3. a) Explain the factors that affect the performance of a seal. (10)
b) State the different causes of vibration and their effects on machinery. (10)
4. a) Explain the working principle of (10)
(i) Moving coil instrument
(ii) Fibre optic laser vibrometer.

b) Explain the working principle of an ultrasonic flaw detector with a sketch. (10)
5. a) Compare and contrast the stress strain diagrams of a brittle and ductile material. (10)
b) Explain how tensile and compression testings are performd. (10)

6. a) Discuss the various factors that affect the fatigue strength of metals. (10)
b) Describe the methods that are used for enhancing the fatigue strength of metals. (10)

7. With suitable sketches, explain the following tests. (10+10)
(i) Vickus hardness test
(ii) Creep test
8. a) Explain the different steps involved in the specimen preparation of micro-examination. (10)
b) With suitable example define torsional fracture and bending fracture. (10)

Set – II

Diploma Examination – 2013 :
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer any FIVE questions ; (5 × 20 = 100)
All questions carry equal marks :
1. a) Briefly explain the cost comparison with and without condition monitoring. (10)
b) What is condition monitoring and explain it? What types of condition monitoring are normally used in machining industry? (10)

2. a) Mention the importance in Condition Monitoring. How the equipment for condition monitoring is chosen? Discuss. (10)
b) How condition monitoring is being performed for ball and roller bearings. (10)

3. a) Explain the different types of devices used for vibration measurement. (10)
b) Discuss about the causes of transmissibility, isolation and absorption in vibration and their effects on machinery? (10)

4. a) Classify the different types of devices used for electrical signal measuring and briefly explain moving coil instrument. (10)
b) Briefly explain various methods and instruments for noise control. (10)

5. a) What is temperature monitoring and what temperature monitoring are commonly used in industries? Explain the principle and uses of Thermograph. (10)
b) Discuss the features of fibre optics and state the applications and limitations. (10)

6. a) Describe the working principle of oil in water monitor. (10)
b) Describe the working principle of chromatography. (10)
7. Write short notes on the following: (4×5=20)
a) Signature Analysis
b) Observational Techniques
c) Estimational Technique
d) Online and Off line Technique

8. a) Describe in brief destructive testing methodologies for monitoring in predictive maintenance. (10)
b) Describe in brief non-destructive testing methodologies for monitoring in predictive maintenance. (10)

Set – III

Diploma Examination December 2013 : (Maintenance Engineering And Management)
120 — Condition Monitoring And Fault Diagnosis
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions. (5 ´ 20 = 100)
All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) With respect to economic feasility acility and initial investment compare preventive and predictive maintenance. Also illustrate suitable examples. (10)

(b) Mention any two applications of radiation pyrometer? With a neat diagram, explain the working of a radiation pyrometer. (10)

2. Discuss the appropriate condition monitoring methods to diagnose the condition of the following
: Draw the necessary sketches.
(a) Antifriction bearings
(b) Gearbox of automobile’s.

3. (a) Describe the working principle of ultrasonic flaw detector to diagnose the surface flaws in an oil pipe line. (10)
(b) With a neat sketch, describe any one type of torque measuring instrument. (10)

4. (a) What are the causes and effects of vibration on machinery? With a neat sketch explain how vibration level is measured in an air compressor. (10)
(b) Explain the different types of transducers used for the measurement of noise. Also discuss how noize measurement is considered as a predictive maintenance tools. (10)

5. (a) Classify the different types of wear with a diagram explain any one method measure the abrasion wear. (10)

(b) Explain the working mechanism and applications of the following instruments
(i) spectroscopic analyser
(ii) semi conductor pressure sensor. (10)

6. (a) Discuss the effect of strength reducers, stress raisers and residual stresses on failure, with suitable examples. Also enumerate the objectives of ‘fractography’. (10)

(b) Draw the S-N curve for mild steel and aluminum alloys and describe their fatigue strength characteristics. Also state the methods those are used to improve the fatigue strength of metals. (10)

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