West Bengal English Second Language Sample Question Paper : SSC/ Tenth/ 10th Std/ Class X www.wbbse.org

Board : West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Exam : SSC (Class 10th) English
Document type : Sample Question Paper
Website : wbbse.org

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WBBSE English Sample Question Paper

First Unit Test English (FL) Class : X
Full Marks : 40

Related : West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Physical Science Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/10956.html

1. Who is Dolly Winthrop and how does she help Silasin looking after Eppie ? 2+8
How did the coming of Eppie bring about a change in the attitude of the villagers towards Marner ? Write with suitable textual references. 10

2.a) Explain with reference to the context : 6
“Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold And many goodly states and kingdoms seen ;”
b) Annotate the following (any two) :  2×2=4
(i) ‘unpremediatated art’
(ii) ‘one talent’
(iii) ‘The boast of heraldry’
(iv) ‘Chill Penury’

3. How did Aloise’s letter enable General Dexter to execute his own plan ? 10

4. Expand in about ten lines the idea contained in the following : 10 Every cloud has a silver lining.

One night as I lay in deep sleep upstairs, I heard my mother call and a sharp note of alarm in her voice roused me. ‘Hamlin’, she called, ‘get up at once. You must go for the doctor. Your father is very sick. Hurry !’ ‘I hear you ;

I’m coming’, I called as I flew into my clothes, still partly asleep. Mother me with a white, frightened face. ‘Your father is in terrible pain. Go for the doctor, at once.’ 10 I could hear my father cry out as I lighted the lantern and put on my coat.

Read the above passage and answer the following in your own words :
(a) When and why was Hamlin suddenly awakened from his deep sleep ? 2
(b) What did he do on hearing his mother’s call ? 2
(c) Analyse the sentence of the first paragraph of the passage into its component clauses. The sentence begins ‘One night as I lay …’ 3
(d) Frame a sentence with ‘sharp’. 1

(e) Use in sentences of your own
: 1+1
(i) ‘Call’ as a noun
(ii) ‘Call’ as a verb

Second Unit Test :
English (FL)
Class : X
Full Marks : 50
Time : 1 Hrs. 30 Minutes
1. “I’m a worse man than you thought I was, Nancy,” said Godfrey rather tremulously. “Can you forgive me ever ?” When did Godfrey say this to Nancy and why ? What was Nancy’s reaction ? 5+5

2. “Milton! thou should’st be living, at this hour : England hath need of thee : What has befallen the English nation that the poet wants Milton to be living ? What characteristics of Milton have been stated by the speaker ? 5+5

3. Give an account of Maria’s efforts to pester Mr. Hammond. What ultimately led to her departure from the rectary ? 6+4
4. Expand in about ten lines, the idea containd in one of the following : 10
(i) Sweet are the uses of adversity.
(ii) Peace hath her victories, no less renowned than war.

5. As daylight can be seen through very small holes, so little things will illustrate a person’s character. Indeed character consists in little acts, well and honourably performed, daily life being the quarry from which we build it up. One of the most marked test of character is the manner in which we conduct ourselves towards others.

A graceful behaviour towards superiors, inferiors and equals is a constant source of pleasure. It pleases others because it indicates respect for their personality but, it gives tenfold more picture to ourselves.

Gentleness in society is like the silent influence of light which gives colour to all nature and it is far more powerful than loudness of force and far more fruitful.

Read the above passage and answer the questions that follow (in your own words) :
(a) What does our character consists of ? 2
(b) Give one of the most important test of character. 2
(c) Analyse the sentence beginning ‘It pleases others because ….’ into its component clauses. 3
(d) Use in sentences of your own :
(i) ‘Colour’ as a noun and as a verb 1½×2=3

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