dhsekerala.gov.in : HSE Philosophy Question Paper Higher Secondary Education Kerala

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Philosophy
Document type : Question Paper
Website : dhsekerala.gov.in

Download Sample/ Model Question Papers
I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6022-13131_1_33_Philo1.pdf
II : 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6022-13131_2_33_Philo2.pdf
2012 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6022-11035_2_33_Phil-II.pdf

Philosophy Sample Question Paper :

Second Year Higher Secondary Examination February 2012
Part III
Score : 80
Duration : 2 ½ hrs

1. One among the three bodies of Jiva is known as avidya. Find it out from the following. (1)
a. Stula sarira b. Suksma sarira c. karana sarira

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2. Find the odd one out from the following. (1)
a. Charvaka b. Vaisesika c. Jainism d. Buddhism.
3. Choose the statement that is closely associated with ‘Pratityasamutpada’. (1)
a. Every event depends up on its causes. d. Suffering is momentary.
b. Moksa is possible in while alive. e. Suffering is a reality.
4. The three texts – the Upanishads, the Brahmasuthra and ________ are together known
5. Where, according to Descartes, does the mind and the body meet- (1)
6. Carvaka is the school of ancient Indian materialism. Write down its literal meaning. (2)
7. Samkhya theory of evolution is represented in the following chart. Complete it. (2)
8. Differentiate between Monotheism and Monism. (2)
9. Niyama is one of the steps of Astangamarga. List out the five Niyama. (2)
10. Representationism is a type of realism. Write a short note o
11. Explain briefly the three states of existence of Jiva as analysed by Mundaka Upanishad. (3)
12. Who is a Sthitaprajna- Enumerate his qualities. (3)
13. Read the following words and arrange them properly. (3)
14. Descartes’ important theory is ‘Cogito, ergo sum.’ Explain it briefly. (3)
15. There are two views regarding moksa in Upanishads.
16. Abhava is one of the categories in vaisesika system.
Explain different types of Abhava illustrating Mullapperiyar Dam. (4)
17. According to John Locke “Ideas are produced in mind by the qualities of objects.”
18. What is Mahavakya- Write any two Mahavakyas and explain them. (4)
19. Define determinism and write a short note on different types of determinism. (4)
20. Gandhiji was the great man behind our freedom from British rule. Can you say that he was doing
21. Why do we call Jaina metaphysics as realistic and relativistic pluralism- (5)
22. Prepare a table showing the difference between Philosophy and Religion. (5)
23. Write a note differentiating Subjective Idealism and Objective Idealism. (5)
24. ‘UNESCO declared that ‘value education’ should be a compulsory subject in school curriculum.’ On
the basis of this statement prepare a write up on the importance of studying
25. There are wide discussions even among common man on the punishments pronounced by Judiciaries
of different nations. What in your opinion is the best Punishment Theory- Compare it with other
prominent Punishment Theories. (8)

Part – II 2010 :
1. You are assigned to conduct a quiz on ‘Vedas’ to be conducted on the celebration of philosophical day. Prepare 6 question and answer for the same. Score 3
2. We perceive an evolutionary process in thought of vedic period which culminates in monism. Prepare a chart showing the developmental order of it. Score 4

3. Are all social service nishkama karmas. Prepare an article on this topic with relevant examples. Score 4
4. Your school plans to conduct a procession on the ‘Mahavira day’. Prepare some placards that could be used in the procession. Score 4

5. Rights and duties are co-related. Explain. Score 3
6. Give a short note about Budhist ethics. Score 4
7. “Fasting is taken as a method for self purification and as a means to practice philosophy’’. Examine the relevance of this thought in Yoga, Islam and Buddism. Score 4
8. The relation between thread and cloth is an inseparable relation. If the thread is removed the cloth does not exist again. Identify the vaissesika category in this example. Score 1

9. What are the characteristics of Purusha according to Samkhya Darsana? Score 6
10. Prepare a chart showing the distinction between Brahma parinamavada and Brahma vivrthavada. Score 2

11. Explain Syad vada Score 2
12. Explain the four cardinal virtues? Score 4
13. If someone approaches you with doubts regarding the definition of Philosophy, tryto convince him with a proper definition of philosophy of your own in a sentence. Score 2

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