www.dhsekerala.gov.in Political Science Model Question Paper : Plus Two/ 12th Std/ +2/ HSE

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Political Science
Document type : Question Paper
Website : dhsekerala.gov.in

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Political Science Model Question :

Maximum : 80 Scores
Time : 2 ½ Hours
Cool off Time : 15 Minutes

1. The constitution of India has borrowed many of its provisions from other countries. Match the items borrowed from other sources

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Parliamentary form of Government, FundamentalRights, Residual powers, Directive Princi ples of State Policy, Principles of liberty, Equality and Fraternity,
USConstitution, Canadian Cons- titution, Irish Constitution, French Constitution, British Constitution Score 5
2. A constitution is the basic of fundamental law of state on this statement briefly explain the functions of constiution
3. Two Titles of the autobiographies are given below identify the authors
1. Freedom from fear 2. Long walk to Freedom
4. Indian President is a nominal
5. Implementation of 73rd $ 74th constitutional amendments role and importance of women Empowerment PRIS’s
6. In a Parliamentary system of Government the Legislature controls the Executive by using different Parliamentary methods like no-confidence motion. Identify any four methods adopted by the Parliament to control the Executive Explain
7. Match the following
IFS-District Police SuperintendentIAS-Indian Revenue Service IPS-District Collector
8. Find out from the list given below the one who laid down the Foundation of Modern Local Government in the country
9. Explain the Juridiction of the Supreme Court of Indian on the basis of the hints given below and evaluate its utility in the Indian context-
10. In a present context terrorism as a challenge to world peace. Analyse this statement
11. Indian constitution is a amendable one. Explain the methods are adopted
12. Name the present Chief Election Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners
13. Which of the following is not a Fundamental right
Right to Equality Right to Freedom Right to Education Right to Property
14. An Independent Election machinery is essential for the better functioning of representative democracy, Analyses the provisions to make the Election Commission an independent body
15. From the given find out the most disputable post with regards to Indian Federation.
1, Speaker 2. Prime Minister 3. President 4. Governor
16. Do you think that “Rights and Responsibilities are the two sides of the
17. “Development and Democracy” – prepare a seminar paper on the topic
18. “We have seen that Nationalism

HSE Political Science 2010 :
1. “Every Democraric country in the world is functioning with a constitution. Even Non-democratic countries wish to have a constitution”. Referring the comments, explain the factors which necessitates a constitution inevitable.

2. Write a paragraph on any one fundamental rights in the Indian constitution that you feel most essential and useful in our present day life with a suitable example.
3. Indian federalism is marked by a number of confrontation. Prepare an evaluation on them considering the indicators given below:

4. Our constituion can be amended in three different methods. The dynamic nature of the constitution is maintained by these amendments. Distinguish the three methods of amendment in the Indian constituion.

5. A knowledge of political theory is very essential for our daliy living. Identify a situation where you could successfully practise any one of political theories.

6. J.S. Mill in his harm principle says,”with respect to actions or choices that affect only one’s self, (self regarding actions) the state has no business to interfere”. Obseving the statement prepare a discussion note on the situations where we need constraints for they are other regarding.

8. Distinguish between global citizenship and universal citizenship.
9. ‘National self-determination within a nationstate is harmful for nationalism” Express your vies ‘for’ and ‘against’ this argument citing examples.
10. “All rights are reciprocated by obligations’. Substantiate with reasons.

11. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments brought in a sea change in the administration of local self government in India. Identify how far these recommendations have reached implementation level and the hardships ahead.
12. A local leader who announced a state call for ‘Hartal’ was arrested and detained two days prior to the proposed Hartal. Explain on which ground his arrest be justified.

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