dhsekerala.gov.in : HSE Botany Question Paper Higher Secondary Education Kerala

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Botany
Document type : Question Paper
Website : dhsekerala.gov.in

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Botany Sample Question paper :

Time – I hour
Max.score – 30

1. The Addition of nostoc and anabena increases the yield in Paddy.
Give the reason for the increase in field 1 Score

Related : HSE Higher Secondary Education Kerala Chemistry Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5997.html

2. Fill up the blanks of observing the relationship of the first pair
Amyloplast – Carbohydrate Aleuroplast——————
Cell – CellMembrane Vacuole———– 1 Score
3. Observe the floral diagram given below. Identify the family and construct floral formula
1 ½ Score
4. Identify the following statements on the basis of external features
1.“underground parts of a plants are not always roots
2. Flower is a motified shoot. 1 ½ Score
5. (a) Identify the type of life cycle in the given diagram (diagram of halplontic)
b) Mention the plant group in which it belongs
c) Give an example for that type of plants
6. Stem Continues to increase in girth due to the activity of vascular cambium
7. Give reason “grittiness nature of sappota fruit pulp 1 Score
Match the following
8. Robert Brown – Mycoplasma
Smallest Cell – Blue green algae
Prokaryote – Nucleus
Singer and Nicholson – Ribosomes
9. With the help of this pie diagram what are the major events in each phases of
10. ‘X’ shaped structure called chiasmata occur during a particular stage of cell division
i) Name the stage ii) What is the significance of this type of cell division – 1 ½ Score
11. Plants absorb water from soil through root hairs and move to xylem by two pathways
a) Name the pathway of water movement b) Explain anyone of the pathways 2 Score
12) The Root nodule must contain all the necessary biochemical components for N2 fixation to
13) Plants can grow even in the absence of soil. Name the technique of soil less culture –
14) 1) Breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid is glycolyis
a) How many Molecules of pyruvic acid is produced from a glucose molecule.
b) Write the steps in which ATP is used during glycolyis
2) The TCA cycle starts with the condensation of acetyl group with OAA
(a) Name the enzyme catalyzing the reaction
(b) How many NAPH molecules are produced in TCA cycle.
(d) How many ATP Molecules are produced
(1) Fill up the blank spaces- (2) Name the cycle-
(3) Where does the cycle occurs (4) Explain the main steps
(16) Growth pattern of a plant is displaced in the graph .Analyze the figur
(a) Name the various phase of growth (b) Name the type of curve 2 Score
17. Name the Plant hormone called strees hormone. Why it is called so- 1 Score

Part A- Botany
Max score :30

1. Observe the relation between first two terms and fill up the blanks (a) Rhodophyceae : Phycoerythrin
Phaeophyceae : …………………………. ½
(b) Zygote : Syngamy
PEN :……………………………….. ½ Score 1

2. Find the odd one out. Justify your answer
Cycas, Funaria, Pinus, Ginkgo Score 1
3. Blue Green Algae can fix atmospheric nitrogen with the help of specialised cells in their thallus
(a) Name the specialised cell for Nitogen fixation ½
(b) Give one example for Nitrogen fixing Blue Green Algae ½ Score 1

5. Correctly match the following
Ribosomes : Secretion
Mitochondria : Protein synthesis
Golgi apparatus : Hydrolytic enzymes
Lysosomes : Site of Respiration Score 2

6. Hareesh, a Plus one student, very interestingly collects a flower from his garden and notes the following Characters in his Practical diary. Bisexual, Actinomorphic, 5 sepals, Gamosepalous, 5 petals,Gamopetalous ,5 stamens, Epipetalaous, Bicarpellary gynoecium, superior ovary , axile placentation
(a) Identify the family ½
(b) Help him to construct the floral diagram and floral formula 2 ½ Score 3

7. The diagram represents a model of cell membrane
(a) Name the model ½
(b) Who proposed this model? ½ Score 1

8. In a cytological study, Ramesh observed the following features in the anther cells of Rheo flower bud. Identify the stages of Meiosis observed by Ramesh
(a) Homologous Chromosomes in paired condition ½
(b) Crossing over between the chromatids ½ Score 1

9. Interphase is considered as a resting phase, comment on this statement Score 2
10. A living plant cell is placed in three type of solutions-
(a) Isotonic solution
(b) Hypotonic solution
(c) Hypertonic solution
What changes will be expected? Give reasons. Score 2

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