www.dhsekerala.gov.in Computer Science Model Question Paper : Plus Two/ 12th Std/ +2 HSE

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : HSE Computer Science
Document type : Question Paper
Website : dhsekerala.gov.in

Download Sample/ Model Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/6002-01059_1_20_CS1-2012.pdf

Computer Science Model Question Paper :

Time : 2¼ Hours
Maximum: 60 Scores

Instructions :
1. Read the questions carefully before answering them.
2. Maximum time allowed is 2 hours 15 minutes, including cool off time

Related : HSE Higher Secondary Education Kerala Maths Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/6005.html

3. First 15 minutes is cool off time during which you should not answer the questions.
4. Answer all questions taking the internal choices.
1. Name the device used to connect a computer to a network.
2. A C++ programmer wishes to use the identifier
3. Predict the output : int b = 2; int c = ++b + b++; cout << b << “\n” << c;
4. When a C++ program is compiled, the following errors are reported :
1) Undefined symbol cin 2) Undefined symbol cout
(a) What can be the reason for these errors- (b) How can it be solved-
5. Write any four C++ statements to add 1 to the variable x –
6. Rewrite the following statement using while and do while loops.
7. What will be the size of the following constants- (i) ‘\a’ (ii) “\a” (iii) “rema\’s”
8. How many bytes will be allocated for an integer array, AR[20]- Give reason.
9. Explain the two methods of writing comments in C++ programs.
10. Language processors can translate the programs written
(a) Name two such language processors. (b) How do they differ-
11. The marks of two subjects of Balu are 45 and 46. His total is 91
12. Express the number -23 in 2’s compliment form.
13. Find the value of x in the following :
14. It is decided to network all the computers in your school.
(a) Identify the type of network formed in the lab.
(b) Suggest the most suitable geometrical arrangement of computers
15. Categorize the different software into different types and explain
16. Suggest a solution to use required software without paying money to anybody.
17. Differentiate between access time and seek time.
18. (a) Suggest the most suitable method to search a particular
(b) Write an algorithm for the same.
19. What output will be produced by the following code fragment-

Computer Science :
Max Scores: 60
Time : 2 Hrs
1. What happens when the C++ statement cout.put(‘a’) ; is executed? 1
2. How many bytes are required to store the string “Achu \’s” ? 1
3. Write four different C++ statements to add 1 to a variable ‘num’. 1
4. Replace the following conditional statement with ‘if’ statement in C++ 2 Min=(a<b) ? (a<c? a:c) : (b<c? b:c);
5. Define a structure to hold your house address(house name, street name, place, pincode). 2
6. Write the output of the following code in C++ 1
void main()
int a, *ptr;

7. In an ATM machine, the user will be given options to access their account details, withdraw money, deposit money etc. only. The background details are not shown to the user
a. Identify the OOP feature that you can correlate with the above situation 1
b. Justify your finding by stating its features. 2

8. Distinguish between HAVING and WHERE clause. 2
9. Consider the following statements 6 + 9 = 15
‘x’ + ‘yz’ = ‘xyz’
a. Which OOP feature can you infer from the above? 1
b. Explain briefly about the feature. 2

10. Your school is planning to network computers in the Lab. As a computer science student you are asked to suggest two communication media. Justify your answer. 4
11. Database is preferred over traditional file system when large amount of data need to be handled by the programs. Justify the statement by pointing out the advantages of database. 5

12. Consider the following code fragment
class X
int y;
void display()
X(int a)
X(X &t);
(i) How do you call the function ~X() ? When is this invoked? 1
(ii) In the above code consider X() and X(int a). Identify the concept represented here. Write statements to
call these functions. 2
(iii) Write a complete definition for X(X &t) function. 2
13. What is meant by memory leak? Suggest any two reasons for avoiding memory leak. 3
14. State and prove De Morgan’s theorems. 3
15. Categorize the following 2
Walkie-Talkie, Telephone, Keyboard to CPU, TV broadcasting, Intercom

Categories: Board Exams

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