dhsekerala.gov.in : 11th Standard Computer Information Technology Question Paper Higher Secondary Education Kerala

Board : Higher Secondary Education, Government Of Kerala
Exam : 11th Standard Computer Information Technology
Document type : Question Paper
Website : dhsekerala.gov.in

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Computer Information Technology –I Sample Question :

STANDARD XI Time : 2 hours + 15 minutes coolofftime

1. Classify the following into C++ tokens char % hello 43.5 while Sum main ‘9’ “A” (2)
2. State TRUE or FALSE


a) INT can be used as a variable in C++ b) Each case block must end with a break statement
c) 071 is an Decimal Integer constant d) A line in a C++ program contains more than one statements (2)
3 Consider the following two C++ statements. Are they equivalent- Why-
a) char grade =65; b) char grade =’A’;
4 State the difference between ‘\n’ and “\n” (1)
5 Pick out the odd one from the following and write reason
a) ++ < && % b) = = = != c) char int DOUBLE d) if switch for (2)
6 Find out the errors in the following program and correct it.
#include iostream.h void main() { int A,B,C; cin<<a,b; C=a*b; cout<<C; } (2)
7 Choose invalid Identifiers from the following and give reason.
a) roll.no b)x_25 c)basic pay d)_123 e)a*b f)Char (2)
8 Predict the value of ‘a’ if i) a=int(21.3)/int(4.5); ii) a=10%-5; (2)
9 Classify the following operators into Arithmetic operators ,
10 pow() is defined in _________ headerfile (1)
11 Specify the datatype for the following expressions
a) Itemcode=A b) Price=15.00 c) Quantity=4 d)Total=4200 (2)
12 Write C++ statements for the following expressions a) s=1/2at2 b)v=4/3- r3 (2)
13 Write the output of the following. a) int a=15;
cout<<”++a=”<<++a<<”a=”<<a; b) int a=15,b; b=a++ + ++a; cout<<b; (3)
14 Write down the various program development stages
Explain different Translators (3)
16 Compare structure and Arrays (3)
17 Match the following A B
a) EPROM 1) Flash memory b) EEPROM 2)High speed buffer
c) PROM 3)Erasable programmable memory d) DRAM 4) Programmable memory
5)Main memory 6)Optical memory (4)
18 With the help of a block diagram , explain the functional units of a computer (4)
19 Compare RAM and ROM (2)
20 If your maths teacher proposed a problem to solve the given function
y=2 for x>0 y=0 for x= =0 y=-2 for x<0 Can you solve this using if structure (3)
21 Convert the following for loop into while for(i=1;i<=10;i++) cout<<i;
22 Evaluate the following expressions with a=10 and b=5
a) (a>b)&&(a= =b||a*b>100); b) (a!=b)&&(a%2= =0&&a-b= =5); (2)
23 Find the value of x in the following expression where x=2, y=3 and z=4
x* =(y+z)/x+3/4+z; (2)
24 Explain IDE and its various parts (3)
25 Explain actual and formal arguments (2)
26 Write an algorithm to largest among N numbers (3)
27 Write a program to input N strings I from keyboard and arrange them in alphabetical Order (3)
28. Categorize the following loops into Entry controlled and Exit Controlled loops a) while b) do—while

Computer Information Technology –I
Standard : XI
Time : 2 hours + 15 minutes coolofftime
1. Classify the following into C++ tokens
char % hello 43.5 while Sum main ‘9’ “A” (2)

2. State TRUE or FALSE
a) INT can be used as a variable in C++
b) Each case block must end with a break statement
c) 071 is an Decimal Integer constant
d) A line in a C++ program contains more than one statements (2)

3 Consider the following two C++ statements. Are they equivalent? Why?
a) char grade =65;
b) char grade =’A’;

4 State the difference between ‘\n’ and “\n” (1)
5 Pick out the odd one from the following and write reason
a) ++ < && % b) = = = !=
c) char int DOUBLE d) if switch for (2)

6 Find out the errors in the following program and correct it.
#include iostream.h
void main()
int A,B,C;
} (2)

7 Choose invalid Identifiers from the following and give reason.
a) roll.no b)x_25 c)basic pay d)_123 e)a*b f)Char (2)

8 Predict the value of ‘a’ if
i) a=int(21.3)/int(4.5);
ii) a=10%-5; (2)

9 Classify the following operators into Arithmetic operators , Relational operators and Logical operators
a) < = = ! + && – * % != (3)
10 pow() is defined in _________ headerfile (1)

11 Specify the datatype for the following expressions
a) Itemcode=A b) Price=15.00 c) Quantity=4 d)Total=4200 (2)
12 Write C++ statements for the following expressions
a) s=1/2at2 b)v=4/3?r3 (2)

13 Write the output of the following.
a) int a=15;
b) int a=15,b;
b=a++ + ++a;
cout<<b; (3)

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