cisce.org : ICSE Computer Applications Question Paper Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations

Orgnisation : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations
Exam :ICSE (Class X) Computer Applications
Document type : Question Paper
Website : cisce.org

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Computer Applications Question Paper :

SECTION A (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions

Related : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations ICSE Computer Science Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5897.html

Question 1 :
(a) Name any four tokens of Java. [2]
(b) Give the difference between actual parameter and formal parameter. [2]
(c) What is an identifier? [2]
(d) Write an expression in Java for cos x + 2 2 a b . [2]
(e) What is the result produced by 2 – 10*3 + 100/11? Show the steps. [2]

Question 2 :
(a) What is the difference between local variable and instance variable? [2]
(b) int x =20, y = 10, z; What is the value of z in z = ++x * (y – –) – y ? Show the steps. [2]
(c) What is the purpose of default in a switch? [2]
(d) Give the difference between linear search and binary search. [2]

(e) What will be the output of the following code?
float x = 7.87;
System.out.println(Math.floor(x); [2]

Question 3 :
(a) State the difference between if-else if ladder and switch…case. [2]
(b) Explain the concept of constructor overloading with an example. [2]
(c) What will be the output of the following program segments?

(i) String s = “application”;
int p = s.indexOf(„a‟);
System.out.println(p+s); [2]

(ii) String st = “PROGRAM”;
System.out.println(st.indexOf(st.charAt(4))); [2]

(iii) int a = 0;
if(a>0 && a<20)
else a– ;
System.out.println(a); [2]

(iv) int a= 5, b = 2,c;
if (a>b || a ! = b)
c = ++a+–b;
System.out.print(c+ “ ”+a+ “ ”+b); [2]

(v) int i = 1;
System.out.print(i + “ ” );
System.out.print(i); [2]

(d) Differentiate between isUpperCase(char) and toUpperCase(char). [2]
(e) What is the difference between a constructor function and a member function of a class? [2]
(f) What is the difference between a static member function and a member function which is not static? [2]

Section B : (60 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section.
The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base.

Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not required.

Question 4 :
Define a class taximeter having the following description
Data members/instance variables
int taxino – to store taxi number
String name – to store passenger’s name
int km – to store number of kilometres travelled

Member functions :
taximeter() — constructor to initialize taxino to 0, name to “ ”and b to 0.
input() – to store taxino,name,km
calculate() – to calculate bill for a customer according to given conditions
kilometers travelled(km) Rate/km
1 km Rs 25
1 km 6 Rs 10
6 < km 12 Rs 15
12 < km 18 Rs 20
>18 km Rs 25
display()- To display the details in the following format
Taxino Name Kilometres travelled Bill amount
Create an object in the main method and call all the above methods in it. [15]

Syllabus :
1. Revision of Class IX Syllabus :
(i) Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes.
(ii) Values and types.
(iii) Conditionals and non-nested loops.

2. Class as the Basis of all Computation :
Objects and Classes Objects encapsulate state and behaviour – numerous examples; member variables; attributes or features. Variables define state; member functions; Operations/methods/ messages/ functions define behaviour.

Classes as abstractions for sets of objects; class as an object factory; concept of type, primitive data types, composite data types.

Variable declarations for both types; difference between the two types. Objects as instances of a class. Consider real life examples for explaining the concept of class and object.

3. Constructors :
Constructor and its types. Default constructor, parameterized constructor, constructor with default parameter and constructor overloading.

4. Functions :
Functions and its types Need of functions. Types of functions (pure and impure). Function declaration and definition, ways of calling functions (call by value and call by reference) Returning information/messages from the functions and use of multiple functions and more than one function with the same name (function overloading).

Use of static data member with static memberfunction. Discuss invocation of functions on objects (through the reference). Discuss the concept of this with a reference to the object on which the invocation is made again.

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