cisce.org : ICSE Economics Question Paper : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations

Orgnisation : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations
Exam :ICSE (Class X) Economics
Document type : Question Paper
Website : cisce.org

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ICSE Economics Question Paper :

Economics (Two hours)
Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Related : Council For Indian School Certificate Examinations ICSE Commercial Studies Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5889.html

Attempt all questions from this Section
(a) Land is heterogeneous in nature. Explain. [2]
(b) What is meant by efficiency of labour? Give one reason for low efficiency of labour in India. [2]
(c) Mention two important characteristics of Capital as a factor of production. [2]
(d) State two qualities of a successful entrepreneur. [2]
(e) Mention two factors which gave birth to the Consumer Movement. [2]

Question 2 :
(a) What are inferior goods? Give an example. [2]
(b) Mention two reasons behind the leftward shift of a supply curve. [2]
(c) What is meant by Price Elasticity of Demand? When will the Demand Curve be parallel to X-axis? [2]

(d) Draw :
(i) Unitary Elastic Supply curve
(ii) Perfectly Inelastic supply curve [2]
(e) Define Food Adulteration. Name two health problems caused due to adulterated food. [2]

Question 3 :
(a) Mention two merits of direct tax. [2]
(b) What is public expenditure? [2]
(c) What is meant by productive and unproductive debt? [2]
(d) State two differences between progressive and proportional taxation. [2]
(e) Where should the consumer go to get justice? Mention two consumer rights. [2]

Question 4 :
(a) State two primary functions of money. [2]
(b) What is meant by double co-incidence of wants? [2]
(c) Mention two advantages of a bank account. [2]
(d) Briefly explain Creeping and Hyper inflation. [2]
(e) Which section of society gains due to inflation? Why? [2]

Section B : (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section
Question 5 :
(a) Explain five reasons for the low rate of capital formation in India. [5]
(b) What is meant by division of labour? Explain two advantages and two disadvantages of division of labour. [5]

Question 6 :
(a) Define demand. Explain any four factors affecting the demand for a commodity. [5]
(b) Distinguish between contraction of supply and decrease in supply with the help of diagrams. [5]

Question 7 :
(a) Give five reasons for the growth of public expenditure in recent times. [5]
(b) What is a tax? Explain two merits and two demerits of progressive tax structure. [5]

Question 8 :
(a) Define money. Explain various stages in the evolution of money. [5]
(b) Explain five measures adopted by the Central Bank to control inflation. [5]

Question 9 :
(a) Give five ways by which the consumers are exploited? [5]
(b) Explain the following rights given to consumers :
(i) Right to be informed.
(ii) Right to choose. [5]

Question 10 :
(a) Explain five circumstances under which the law of demand does not operate. [5]
(b) State five differences between the Central Bank and a Commercial Bank. [5]

Syllabus :
1. Understanding an Economy :
(i) Meaning and definition of Economics; Concepts of Economics : Wealth, Welfare, Capital, Factors of production, Utility, Government, Household, Firm, Value, Price, Production, Consumption, Micro and Macro Economics.

A basic understanding of economic problems. Definitions of economics – Marshall, Robbins, Samuelson (No characteristics and comparisons).

An understanding of the following concepts : wealth, capital, value, price, utility, production, consumption, factors of production, micro and macro economics (meaning of terms with examples)

(ii) Basic problems of an economy : What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Efficient use of resources; economic growth. The concept of production possibility curve.

A brief introduction to basic problems of an economy – what to produce? how to produce? For whom to produce? Needs to be emphasized, irrespective of types of economy. An explanation of how economics as a subject helps us to allocate scarce resources in an efficient manner to be given.

The concept of economic growth to be explained through production possibility curve. Comparison between economic growth and economic development should be dealt with briefly.

(iii) Types of Economies : Capitalistic, Socialistic, Mixed, Developed and Developing economy. Characteristics of the Indian economy. A basic understanding of the features of capitalistic, socialistic and mixed economies is required.

The meaning and classification of economies into developing and developed is to be explained. In this context, the characteristics of Indian economy must be explained.

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