gbshse.gov.in : HSSC English Communication Skills Question Paper Model Goa Board Of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education

Board : Goa Board Of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
Subject : HSSC English Communication Skills
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : gbshse.gov.in

Download Sample/Model Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5874-qp_rev_ecs.pdf

English Communication Skills Question Paper :

STD XII Max. Marks : 70 Duration : 2 ½hrs
Instructions :
1) This paper consists of four Sections A, B, C and D. All sections are compulsory.

Related : Goa Board Of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education HSSC Psychology Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/5873.html

2) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit where ever it is given.
3) Figures to the right indicate marks allotted for each question.
4) Choice is given only in Section C. Q. No.3.1.

SECTION A (20 marks)
1.1. A. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the underlined word : – 02
(i) I met_______ old man who still works hard for _______living.
(Insert suitable Articles)
(ii) Chandu was too embarrassed to speak. (Use ‘so……that’ )
(iii) As soon as the sky turned grey, it began to rain. (Use ‘No sooner ……..)
(iv) The Manager wrote most of the reports.
The cool mountain environment made me feel serene.
A chillyB uneasyC peacefulD sublime
One day, a young boy was preparing himself for a race in his small native village. He and two other
young boys were to compete. A large crowd had gathered to witness the sporting spectacle. A wiseold man, upon hearing of the little boy, had travelled far to bear witness also.The race commenced, looking like a level heat at the finishing line, but sure enough the boy dug deep and called on his determination, strength and power. He took the winning line andwas first. Thecrowd was ecstatic and cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man remained still and calm,expressing no sentiment. The little boy however, felt proud and important.A second race was called and two new young, fit challengers came forward to run with the little boy.
(i) Why did a large crowd gather in the village-
(ii) How did the wise man react when the boy won the race-
(iii) Who were the challengers for the third race-
(iv) Give the meaning of the word ‘ecstatic’.
(v) Use the word ‘overjoyed’ in a sentence of your own.

SECTION B (20 marks)
2.1 Write a descriptive paragraph using the following words/ phrases : – (About 60 words) 05
friend’s birthday, programme to watch a movie, Panjim, went on two-wheeler, late,
control, dashed against another vehicle, minor scratches, no movie, unforgettable
2.2 Given below is the first line of an incident. Complete the paragraph expanding the idea specified.
2.3 Your friend has developed the habit of eating unhealthy food which is in turn
2.4. ‘Teenagers are considered to be careless and irresponsible’. Write a paragraph

SECTION C : (20 marks)
3.1 Write an essay in about 150 words on any ONE of the following topics: – 08
(i) My On the Job training experience.
(ii) Laughter is life’s best medicine.
(iii) Environmental Degradation – Who is to be blamed?

3.2 You are A. Fernandez, Purchase Manager of Nature’s Resort, Colva, Goa. Write a letter of complaint to The General Manager of Bharat Potteries, M.G. Road, Pune, informing him that the order of crockery placed with them reached your resort in a damaged condition. Demand replacement of damaged articles. Invent necessary details. (Use full block format) 05

3.3 Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement, giving your complete C.V. “Safe Insurance Company seeks experienced candidates to manage office of five employees. Good communication skills and computer knowledge essential.” Apply to Human Resource Office, P.O. Box 714, Margao, Goa. You are P.S. Pednekar residing at 44, Green View Colony, Ponda. (Use full block format) 07

SECTION D  : (10 marks)
4.1. A. Answer the following questions in about 10-15 words: – 02
(i) In the lesson Shakespeare’s sister, why was Judith beaten by her father?
(ii) According to Tagore, what function does nature impart on old Indian dramas?
4.1.B. Which are the two classes of precious things that God has gifted humans with? (Lesson- Modern Improvements) (30-40words) 02

4.1. C. (i) How does John Keats speak of the smallest creatures’ of nature contributing towards the poetry of earth? (30-40words) 02
(ii) Why does Wilfred Owen refer to the sunbeams as ‘fatuous’ in the poem ‘Futility’? (30-40 words) 02

4.1. D. Do you favour Selvi’s decision of returning to Vinayak Mudali Street after her mother’s death? Justify your answer with supporting points. (30-40 words) 02

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