B.A Geography Practical-II Question Paper : stmun.ac.in

University : Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Degree : B.A
Department : Geography
Year : I
Subject : Geography Practical – II
Website :unipune.ac.in
Document type : Question Paper
Website :  https://www.srtmun.ac.in/en/

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SRTMU Geography Question Paper

S.R.T.M.U. Nanded
Subject – Geography
B.A. First Year

Related / Similar Question Paper :
Gujarat University BA Physical Geography Question Paper

First Year Practical – II

Pattern and Scheme of marking of Practical Examination

Time : 3 Hrs.
Total Marks : 50

Q.1. A) Ask any one of the following 05
i) Climograph ii) Hythergraph
B) Ask any one of the following 05
i) Climatic Line and Bar graph ii) Star Diagram (Simple)

Q.2. A) Ask any one of the following instruments 08
(Diagram, mechanism, function and use)
i) Minimum and maximum thermometer ii) Dry and wet bulb thermometer
iii) Hair Hygrometer iv) Aneroid Barometer
v) Rainguagevi) Wind vane vii) Cup Anemometer
B) Identification of one weather instrument 02

Q.3. A) Ask any two isobaric pattern 04
Cyclone, anticyclone, secondary depression “V” shaped depression, wedge, co1 Or
Signs and symbols – any Four
B) Interpretation of Indian daily weather map of any one season. 06

Q.4. A) construction of any one pyramid diagram 06
Simple, Compound, superimposed pyramid
B) Calculation of dispersion or centrality index 04
Q.5. Journal and viva 10

S.R.T.M.U. Nanded
Subject – Geography
B.A. First Year
Semester – I & II

First Year Practical – I

Pattern and Scheme of marking of Practical Examination
Time : 3 Hrs. Total Marks : 50

Q.1. A) Types of scale or conversion of scale 02
B) Construction of scale (any one) 08
Q.2. A) Method of showing relief (any two) 04
B) Representation of different land forms by contours (any two) 06

Q.3. A) Signs and symbols (any Four) 04
B) Interpretation of SOI topo-sheet (any two aspects) 06
Q.4. A) Construction of Line graph 05
B) Construction of Bar graph 05
Q.5. A) Field visit Report 05
B) Journal and viva 05

S.R.T.M.U. Nanded
Subject – Geography

Second Year Practical – II

Pattern and Scheme of marking of Practical Examination
Time : 3 Hrs. Total Marks : 40

Q.1. A) Ask any one of the following 04
i) Climograph ii) Hythergraph
B) Ask any one of the following 04
i) Climatic Line and Bar graph ii) Star diagram (simple)

Q.2. A) Ask any one of the following instruments 08
(Siagram, mechanism, function and use)
i) Minimum and maximum thermometer ii) Dry and wet bulb thermometer
iii) Hair hygrometer iv) Aneroid Barometer v) Rainguage
vi) Wind vane vii) Cup Anemometer

Q.3. A) Ask any two isobaric pattern 04
Cyclone, anticyclone, secondary depression ‘V’ shaped depression, wedge, co1
Or Signs and symbols – any Four
B) Interpretation of Indian daily weather map of any one season. 04

Q.4. A) Construction of any one pyramid diagram 05
Simple, Compound, superimposed pyramid
B) Calculation of dispersion or centrality index 03
Q.5. Journal and viva 08

Syllabus :
B. A. First Year :
Subject- Geography
Semester- I :
Practical Geography :
Unit- I :
a) Map – Definition and types
b) Representation of Scale:
i) Verbal/Statement Scale
ii) Numerical Scale / R.F.
iii) Linear/Graphical Scale

c) Conversion of Scale : Verbal to Numerical, Numerical to Verbal
d) Construction of Scale:
i) Simple Scale
ii) Time and Distance Scale
iii) Diagonal Scale

Unit- II :
Methods of Showing Relief :
Hachures, Form lines, Hill shading, Layer tints, Spot Height, Bench mark, Trig. Point and Contours.

Unit- III :
Representation of Landforms by Contours :
i) Conical Hill, Plateau, Ridge, Pass, Cliff, ‘V’ Shaped Valley, ‘U’ Shaped Valley, Spur.
ii) Types of Slopes.

Reference Books :
1. Khan, S.A. : Text Book of Practical Geography.
2. Mishra, R.P. & Ramesh, A. : Fundamentals of Cartography.
3. Monkhouse, F.J. & Wilkinson, H.R. : Maps and Diagrams.
4. Singh R.L. :Elements of Practical Geography.

Semester- II :
Practical Geography :
Paper No. – VI :
Unit- I :
Enlargement and Reduction of Map by Square Method

Unit- II :
Study of Survey of India Topographical Maps :
a) Conventional signs and symbols
b) Interpretation of SOI topographical maps of hilly, plateau and plain areas in respect of
i) Relief
ii) Drainage
iii) Settlement
iv) Transport and Communication
v) Natural Vegetation

Unit- III :
Representation of Temperature, pressure and rainfall data by line (examples isotherms, isobars and isohyets) and bar graphs.

Categories: Geography
Tags: stmun.ac.in

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