Mining Methods & Operations Diploma Question Paper : annamalaiuniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Annamalai University
Department : Mining Engineering
Degree : Diploma
Subject Name : Mining Methods And Operations
Year : MAY 2014
Website : annamalaiuniversity.ac.in
Document Type : Old Question Paper

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Annamalai Operations Question Paper

Diploma Examination – May 2014 : (Mining Engineering)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 marks

Related : Annamalai University Material Handling Diploma Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5863.html

Answer any FIVE questions. : (5 ? 20 = 100)
1. Describe any two of the following geological features with suitable sketches? (2 * 10 = 20)
a) Dip fault
b) Folds
c) Unconformity.

2. What are the methods employed for borehole surveys? Describe any one method.
3. Write the difference between slurry explosives and emulsion explosives?
4. What are the uses of levelling in mining? Explain any one of levelling with suitable example.
5. What are the factors to be considered before opening the surface Mines?

6. Write short notes on any four of the following : (4 * 5 = 20)
a) Face mechanisations.
b) Stage pump.
c) Cross cut.
d) Subsidence
e) Stripping ratio.

7. What is quarriable limit? What are the factors to be considered for design the slope in surface mines?
8. Explain any one method of mining coal in underground mines with suitable sketch?

Diploma Examination – 2013

(Mining Engineering)
Mining Methods And Operations :
Maximum: 100 Marks (Time: 3 Hours)
Answer ALL Questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. Classify the methods of mining and its operations. Explain any one method in detail. (20)
2. Explain in detail the need for going for Tunnel Mining. (20)
3. Discuss the Shaft Sinuing Techniques for soft ground and hard rocks. (20)

4. What are the limitations of surface mining? Explain in detail. (20)
5. Explain the design methods of Haul Roads in surface mining. (20)
6. How are ventilation and illumination provided in mining? Explain in detail. (20)

7. Explain:
a) Geophysical Exploration
b) Geological Surveying (2 x10 =20)
8. Write short notes on
a) Sedimentation
b) Sub-surface
c) Mines survey
d) Pit limits (4 x 5 = 20)

Diploma Examination – 2012

(Mining Engineering) : (Paper –II)
120. Mining Methods And Operations May)
Time : 3 Hour
Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer any FIVE of the following (5×20=100)
1. Write short notes : (4×5=20)
a) Cross Cut.
b) Raise
c) Winze.
d) Adit.

2. What are the classification of emplosives? Discuss briefly about them. (20)
3. Discuss the various methods of geophysical exploration. (20)
4. Explain roof bolting and its application in mining.

5. What are the various methods of shaft sinking. Explain any two methods in detail. (20)
6. Explain the following : (2×10=20)
a) Cut off grades.
b) Formation of benches in opencast mine.

7. What are the classification of rocks? How they are formed. Give examples.(20)
8. Write about underground and surface surveys. (20)

Diploma Examination – 2011

(Mining Engineering)
120. Mining Methods And Operations : December
Maximum : 100 Marks
Time : 3 Hours
Answer any FIVE questions (5×20=100)
All questions equal marks
1. Discuss in detail the factors and their impact on the selection method of mining.
2. Explain briefly the Tunnel Boring Machines [TBMs] and its limitations.

3. Explain how explosives are used in mining operations.
4. Define Tunnelling. What is the need for tunnel mining and its limitations?
5. Explain in detail about the Bench mining method.

6. Explain the different source of water accumulation open cart mining and the different types of pumping out operation.
7. Explain
a) Surface Geophysical survey
b) Ventilation and illumination in mining

8. Write short notes on
a) Cut off grade
b) Geo-chemical analysis
c) Road header
d) underground surveys

December 2010

120. Mining Methods And Operations
Answer any FIVE questions (5×20=100)
All questions carry equal marks
1. What is an ‘Explosive’? Write the constituents of explosive. What are the properties of explosives? (20)
2. What are the various methods of exploration? Expain brielfy about them. (20)

3. Discuss about ground stability and tunnel supports. (20)
4. List the various surface plant and equipments required for shaft sinking. (20)
5. What is ‘quarriable limit’? Write the advantages and disadvantages of quarrying.(2×10=20)

6. Explain a) Direct haulage. (2×10=20)
b) Main and tail rope haulage
7. Write about pumping in open cast mines. (20)

8. Write short notes on (2×10=20)
a) Mine ventilation
b) Mine illumination

Categories: Mining Engineering
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