File organization Techniques & Management B.Sc Question Paper : mlsu.ac.in

University : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Computer Science
Subject : File organization Techniques & Management
Year : II
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : mlsu.ac.in

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File organization Techniques & Management :

Second Year Examination of the Three Year Degree Course, 2001
(Faculty of science COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper-II
(File organization Techniques and File Management )

Related : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University Data Structure Using Pascal B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5832.html

Time : 3 Hours
[ Maximum Marks :50]
Attempt any five questions, selecting at least one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) What is the use of USAGE clause in data description- Explain giving examples.
(b) What is the difference between literal and figurative constants in COBOL-
2. Each record of a file called EMP-PAY contains, among other things, a field called EMP-CODE which indicates the id of an employee and three PAY,I-TAX, and DESIG.

Write a program in COBOL to find number of employee in each of the following three categories and display total pay and income tax : clerk , supervisor and Manager.

3. (a) What is the use of ROUNDED and ON SIZE ERROR clauses in arithmatic verbs- Explain giving syntax and examples.
(b) Explain giving examples the verbs used for data movement.

4. Input-output to a COBOL program is normally performed using a file. Why- What is significance of OPEN and CLOSE statements in COBOL- What are the actions performed on execution of READ and WRITE statements respectively.

5. What is the purpose of RENAMES and REDEFINES clauses in COBOL- Explain giving suitable examples.

6. XYZ University has 10 students in its ABC programme which has 10 courses. To clear this programme each students has to pass five courses. Write a program in COBOL to store the data in memory as table and declare the results as FAILED or PASSED. (Minimum passing marks are 40%)

7. How the direct access files are different from index files? Give the instruction to update an indexed file. Give an example also.

8. ABC Company is a pharmaceutical company and maintains records about its 5000 products in a master file in the following format
Medicine code 5 characters
Medicine Name 50 characters
Quantity in stock 10 digits
Date of Expiry 8 characters

It produces almost all the products everyday. The daily produce of every medicine is stored in a transaction file. Medicine code 5 characters Quantity 10 digits

Write a program in COBOL to update master file from the transaction file. Indicate the organisation of master and transaction files you have chosen and why?

9. Write a short note on modular programming.
10. Explain the MERGE feature of COBOL language giving the complete syntax.

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