Optics B.Sc Question Paper : mlsu.ac.in

University : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Degree : B.Sc
Subject : Optics
Year : I
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : mlsu.ac.in

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MLSU Optics B.Sc Question Paper

First Year Examination of the Three Year
Degree Course, 2001 (Faculty of Science)
PHYSICS Paper II (Optics)

Related : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University Atomic & Nuclear Physics B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5808.html

Time – Three Hours
Maximum Marks – 50
Attempt Five question in all, selecting ONE question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Deduce Newton’s formula for a converging lens forming a real image. What do you understand from Nodal points and Nodal planes-
2. What do you understand by the term achromatism of a lens- Derive the condition of achromatism for two thin lensews of focal lengths f1 and f2 made of same material but separated by a distance.


3. (a) Discuss the coherence of an ordinary source of light and a lasersource of light. Can a two-level laser be constructed- 2+2+2
(b) In a michelson interferometer, 200 fringes cross the field of view when the movable mirror is displaced through 0.05896 mm. Calculate the wavelength of monochromatic light used.
4. Explain the construction of a Febry-Perot interferometer and explain its action. Explain colour effects in Thin films. 3+3+4


5. Describe the construction of Half-Period zones. A circular opaque disc of diamerter 1 cm is placed at a distance of 1 meter from a point source of light ( = 6000 A). The diffraction pattern is observed at a distance of 2 meters from the disc. Calculate the number of Fresnel zones covered by the disc. 6+4
6. Discuss the Fresnel diffraction pattern due to a straight edge. Give the necessary theory.


7. (a) What do you understand by the resolving power of a telescope- Deduce an expression for resolving power of a telescope.

(b) Calculate the limiting angle ‘0’ which two distant separated star should subtend on the objective of one inch aperture telescope so as to be just resolved by it. ( 1 inch = 2.54 cm.) The effective wavelength of light is 5500 A.
8. (a) Discuss Fraunh offer diffraction due to a single slit. Explain the basic difference between the diffraction spectra of a single slit and a plane transmission grating. 3+3

(b) A double slit is illuminated with light of wavelength = 4800 A. The slits are separated by 0.1 mm and the slit width is 0.020 mm. The Fraunhoffer diffractions pattern is observed on a screen 50 cm away from the slits. Calculate the fringe spacing.


9. Discuss the state of polarisation of emergentlight in following cases :-
(i) A plane polarised light falls normally on a half ave plate when vibration direction is at 45 degree with the optic axis of the plate, the optic axis being parallel to the face.

(ii) A plane polarised light falls normally on a quarter wave plate at an angle other than 45 degree with the optic axis which is parallel to the face of plate. (exclude 0 and 90)

(iii) A plane polarised light falls normally on a quarter wave plate at an angle-45 with the optic axix which is parallel to the face to plate.

Syllabus :
Paper-II : 1162 Oscillations, waves and Acoustics
UNIT – I :
Free oscillations of simple systems : Equilibrium; concept of potential well, small oscillations approximation, solutions, linear and transverse oscillations of a mass between two springs, diatomic molecule, reduced mass concept.

Damped and forced oscillations : Damped oscillations; critical damping, Q of an oscillator. Forced oscillator with one degree of freedom; Transient and steady state oscillations, resonance energy absorption, low and high frequency responses.

Free oscillations of system with two degrees of freedom : Two dimensional oscillator; normal modes, longitudinal and transverse oscillation of coupled masses, energy transfer between modes, coupled pendulum.

Fourier analysis : Fourier series and Fourier coefficients; simple examples (square wave, saw-tooth wave, half and full wave rectifier), use of exponential representation for harmonic oscillations, expression for Fourier coefficients

Categories: Physics
Tags: mlsu.ac.in

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