Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations M.Com Question Paper : mlsu.ac.in

University : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Degree : M.Com
Subject : Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations
Semester : II
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : mlsu.ac.in

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Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations Question

M. Com. (Final) Examination, 2001
(Human Area – Group – D) Paper — II

Related : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University Geology of Rajasthan & Ground Water B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5840.html

Time 3 Hours
Maximum Marks 100
Attempt any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. ‘The obstacles to the development of Trade Unions in India are largely internal; they come from labour itself.” Elucidate this statement and discuss the various obstacles in the growth of Trade Unions in India. 5+15

2. Explain clearly the meaning of ‘Industrial Dispute’. Describe briefly the various causes of industrial disputes in India along with their effects. 5+15
3. What do you mean by ‘Collective Bargaining’- Narrate the various steps involved in the process of collective bargaining. 5+15

4. Explain the meaning of ‘Workers’ Participation in Management’. Discuss the objects and advantages of workers’ participation in management. What have been the results of introducing this approach in India- 5+5+7+3

5. Explain the concept and objects of ‘Social Security’. Give a brief account of the various social security schemes applicable in India. 4+4+12
6. Explain clearly with examples the meaning and difference between ‘Social Assistance’ and ‘Social Insurance’. 10+10

7. Define the term ‘Labour Welfare’. Discuss the ‘Intramural Welfare Functions’ and ‘Extramural Welfare Functions’ performed under the term ‘Labour Welfare’. 4+8+8
8. Discuss in brief the present ‘Labour Policy’of the Government of India. 20
9. What is International Labour Organisation- Give its main objects and principles.

10. Write notes on any two 10+10
(i) Suggestions to Strengthen Trade Unions in India
(ii) Benefits of Collective Bargaining
(iii) Prevention of Industrial Disputes in India
(iv) Need and Importance of Labour Welfare in India

Syllabus :
Paper V :  Business Environment
Unit-I :
Concept, Significance and Nature of Business Environment; Types and Elements of Business Environment; Internal and External Environment; Economic and Non-economic Environment. Changing dimensions of business economic environment, Environment analysis and scanning techniques.

Unit-II :
Economic Planning- Features, types, objectives, techniques, achievement and concept of economic growth and development. New approaching factors affecting regional imbalances and economic disparities. Poverty- Types, incidence and magnitude. Unemployment- types, Government measures to remove poverty and unemployment.

Unit-III :
Role of government in business: New industrial policy and new dimensions of industrial policy. Public sector- objective, role, growth, and the government policy for public sector. Small scale sector- Rationale and role, problems, recent government policy. MMSEC. New agriculture strategy- significance, problems and prospects.

Unit- IV :
Economic reforms- Privatisation- meaning, objectives, progress, Disinvestment in India problems. Liberalisationmeasures of liberalism; Globalization- means, case for and against globalization, measures, effect on Indian economy.

Unit- V :
Multinational corporation- Role in India, foreign direct investment types, factors affecting and reasons of slow growth, government policy for FDI, sector distribution, technology transfer, modes-recent trends, Foreign trade-volume, composition and direction. New dimensions of foreign trade.

Paper II : Monetary Economics
Unit-I :
Money : Meaning, functions and characteristics of Money. Role of money in an economy. Concept, components and determinents of money supply, Demand for money and its different approaches, Liquidity trap.
Value of Money : Quantity theory of money. Fishers and Cambridge version. Income Theory of money

Unit-II :
Inflation : Meaning and types, Regression concept of Inflationary gap, causes and effects of Inflation. Inflation and Economic development.
Deflation : Meaning and effects. Inflation v/s Deflation. Theories of Interest.

Unit – III :
Central Bank : Meaning and functions. Monetary Policy: Meaning, definitions and objectives. Instruments of monetary policy, expansionary and tight Monetary Policy, Reserve Bank of India: Organization and functions. Role of monetary policy for providing economic growth. Limitations of monetary policy.

Unit-IV :
Fiscal policy : The concept of Sound finance and concept of functional finance, objectives of fiscal policy. Role of fiscal policy in developing countries. Instruments and limitations of fiscal policy. Relationship between Monetary policy and Fiscal policy. Deficit financing: Concept, purpose and limitations.

Unit V :
Theories of income and Employment : The Classical and Regression approaches. Say’s Law and its limitations. Consumption function, Investment function. Marginal efficiency of Capital. Investment and Income multplier and accelerator.

Categories: Commerce
Tags: mlsu.ac.in
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