MED103 Methodology of Educational Research M.Ed Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

University : Teerthanker Mahaveer University
College : Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Education
Degree : M.Ed
Subject : MED103 Methodology of Educational Research
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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TMU Methodology of Educational Research Question Paper

M.Ed. Examination 2008-09
Subject Code : MED103
Paper ID : 0501103

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Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Max Marks : 75
: Attempt any five questions selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. (20 x 5 = 100)

Section-A :
1. How is research different from various methods by which man from the earliest time sought to answer the problem- Discuss the characteristics of educational research. (14+6)
2. a) What are the sources of research problem- Discuss the criteria for the selection of a problem. (12)
b) How does related literature help in evolving conceptual framework-

3. a) Clarify the following terms : (5×3)
i) Sampling frame and sampling unit
ii) Sampling error
iii) Probability and non-probability sample

4. Define experiment. Explain internal and external validity of research design. Name any three experimental designs and describe advantages and disadvantages of any one. (3+8+3+6)
5. How does an attitude scale differ from questionnaire- Discuss by giving example the steps of constructing a questionnaire- (5+15

Section – A

1. a) When should parametric test be used- (5)
b) Given below are the statistics of two samples. Test the hypothesis that the two are drawn from the same population. (15)

2. a) What are the assumptions of ANOVA- (6)
b) A teacher decides to fail 25% students of the class. Examination marks are normally distributed with a mean of 72 and standard deviation of 6. What minimum marks must a student get to pass-

8. a) When should test be used- (6)
b) The following table shows ratings of 100 teachers as successful or unsuccessful on teaching and pass or fail on an ability test. Does the ability test differentiate significantly between successful and unsuccessful teachers- (14) Ability Test Fail Pass Successful 20 40

9. What do you mean by correlation- Calculate product moment correlation coefficient from the data given below : (5+15)
10. What is historical research- What are primary and secondary sources of historical data- Discuss their internal and external criticism. (20)

Course Code: MED103
Paper ID:0501103

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100

Max Marks: 75
Note : Attempt any five questions selecting at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.(20 x 5 = 100)

Section-A :
1. Write brief notes on the following: (5×4=20)
a) Interdisciplinary approach in educational research.
b) Need and importance of educational research.
c) Limitations of educational research.
d) Priorities in the field of educational research in India.

2. a) Is it necessary to formulate hypothesis in every type
b) How is research question different from hypothesis? (6)
c) What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis? (6)

3. a) What do you mean by randomization? What are its advantages? (5)
b) Clarify the following sampling techniques and discuss them by giving examples when should these be used? (5×3=15)
i) Stratified random sampling.ii) Cluster sampling iii) Incidental sampling

4. What is historical research? What are primary and secondary sources of historical data? Discuss their internal and external criticism. (20)
5.a) What criteria will you adopt for selecting a tool for data collection selecting a tool for data collection? What are advantages and limitations of interview? (7+7)
b) Clarify the concept of ethnographic research. (6)

Section – B

6. a) The mean scores of boys and girls, selected randomly, on a personal adjustment inventory were compared. Test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the scores at 0.01 level of significance.
b) When should non-parametric statistics be used? (5)

7. a) Discuss the nature of educational data? (8)
b) Describe various scales of measurement. (12)

8. a) What are the characteristics of normal probability curve? (6)
b) Given below are the data for two age groups. Assuming normality calculates how many of the 11 year olds do better than the average 14-year old and how many of the 14 year olds do worse than the average 11 year olds. (14)
9. b) From the following data find out whether any relationship exists between completing the course in driver’s education and accidents.

Categories: Education
Tags: tmu.ac.in

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